
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi, September 10, 2014

Sep. 10, 2014
Name of Author
Amir Said Abdul Rahman al-Ghazi

In reference to beheadings: “… and you really wanna know what I think? … I support that…That’s our way of life…Yeah, I go for this…I’m uh…I do this.”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio, June 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Heather Elizabeth Coffman, Facebook post, June 28, 2014

Jun. 28, 2014
Name of Author
Heather Elizabeth Coffman

In reference to a Facebook comment about ISIS’s designation as a terror group: “I know…it’s all Zionist propaganda though! If we can rid the world of them…then the world will be a better and peaceful place.” (Facebook post)“United States of America v. Heather Elizabeth Coffman, Defendant, Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, November, 13, 2014.

Rhetoric Category

Heather Elizabeth Coffman, Facebook post, June 23, 2014

Jun. 23, 2014
Name of Author
Heather Elizabeth Coffman

“Allah has preferred the Mujahideen over those who remain [behind] with a great reward. Degrees from Him and forgiveness and mercy. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (Facebook post)“United States of America v. Heather Elizabeth Coffman, Defendant, Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, November, 13, 2014.

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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