
Hassan Salem, Chairman of AAH political bloc, January 10, 2015

Jan. 10, 2015
Name of Author
Hassan Salem

“[W]e assure that America is one that created ISIS organization and enabled it to stay in Iraqi territory.”“Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq: America does not want to end ISIS … we are ready for the Liberation of Nineveh,” Shafaq News, January 10, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Salem, Chairman of AAH political bloc, January 2015

Jan. 2015
Name of Author
Hassan Salem

“American planes are dropping food and weapons to Daesh. They deny it but we know it’s happening.”Associated Press, “Iraq Coalition Tensions Emerge in Islamic State Fight,” New York Times, January 22, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Muhammed Abdullahi Hassan a.k.a. Mujahid Miski, Tweet, December 25, 2014

Dec. 25, 2014
Name of Author
Muhammed Abdullahi Hassan a.k.a. Mujahid Miski

“You are being enslaved once more with badges & guns. You will never be able to free yourselves with protests. #AntonioMartin #Ferguson.” (Tweet) A. Agron, “The Issue Of Race In The Discourse Of The Islamic State (ISIS) And Its Supporters,” Middle East Media Research Institute, April 16, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, December 2014

Dec. 2014
Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

Regarding the American hostage Luke Somers: “We give the American government a timeframe of three days from the issuance of this statement to meet our demands about which they are aware; otherwise, the American hostage held by us will meet his inevitable fate.” “U.S. Discloses Failed Attempt to Rescue American in Yemen,” Reuters, December 4, 2014,

Muhammed Abdullahi Hassan a.k.a. Mujahid Miski, Twitter Direct Message, December 2014

Dec. 2014
Name of Author
Muhammed Abdullahi Hassan a.k.a. Mujahid Miski

“The caliphate will reach everywhere insha’Allah. Even the house of filth [the white house].” (Twitter Direct Message) Tom Lyden, “Minnesota man’s ISIS connection to Garland, Texas shooting,” KMSP Fox 9, May 5, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Mohammad Reza Naqdi, commander of the Basij, November 17, 2014

Name of Author
Mohammad Reza Naqdi

“…the US army and its economy are weak and their people do not accept to go to (another) war. The US does not have a strong logic and reasoning and it is, thus, forced to always resort to the language of force.”“IRGC Commander: US Deeply Fearful of War with Iran,” Fars News Agency, November 17, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Osama Mehmood, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014
Name of Author
Osama Mehmood

In an official AQIS statement released via Twitter:
“Also our message to the Mujahidīn of Iraq and Syria is that the elimination of American aggression is concealed in the brotherhood and union of all the Jihadi groups and organizations, reversion towards Allah (swt) and in fighting against this infidel coalition in firm ranks.”Thomas Joscelyn, “Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent Calls for Jihadist Unity against US-led Coalition,” Long War Journal, November 4, 2014,

Qasim al-Raymi, Emir (leader) of AQAP, November 2014

Nov. 2014
Name of Author
Qasim al-Raymi

“The Houthi rebel takeover of Yemeni provinces is “the delivery from one hand to another, from one agent to another, by the command of the master … America, under the supervision of their messenger, Ibn Omar [Jamal Benomar, the UN Special Adviser on Yemen.]”Oren Adaki, “AQAP military commander rallies Sunnis against alleged US-Houthi alliance,” Long War Journal, November 24, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Qasim al-Raymi, Emir (leader) of AQAP, November 2014

Nov. 2014
Name of Author
Qasim al-Raymi

The Houthi rebels are “the coming rifle of America.” Al-Raymi threatens the Houthis with “horrors that will make the hair of young children turn grey.”Oren Adaki, “AQAP military commander rallies Sunnis against alleged US-Houthi alliance,” Long War Journal, November 24, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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