
Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the IRGC, October 20, 2014

Name of Author
Mohammad Ali Jafari

“We thank God for the security that has been established in the Southeastern parts of the country despite all the investments of our trans-regional enemies, including the Americans and the Zionists, as well as certain regional enemies and despite their too much planning.”“IRGC Top Commander Reiterates Enemies’ Failure in Creating Insecurity at Iranian Borders,” Fars News Agency, October 20, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Ali Khamenei, October 13, 2014

Oct. 13, 2014
Name of Author
Ali Khamenei

“[America, Britain, and Zionism] created Al Qaeda and Da’esh in order to create divisions and to fight against the Islamic Republic, but today, they have turned on them (Islamic State).”Michelle Moghtader, “Khamenei Blames United States, ‘Wicked’ Britain, for Creating Islamic State,” Reuters, October 13, 2014, 2014,

Muhammed Abdullahi Hassan a.k.a. Mujahid Miski, Tweet, October 2014

Oct. 2014
Name of Author
Muhammed Abdullahi Hassan a.k.a. Mujahid Miski

“The necks of your citizens will be cut, so long as you participate in the Crusade against Islam and the Muslims. #UK #US #AlanHennig.” (Tweet) Hayes Brown, “Turns Out It’s Pretty Hard To Shut Down Jihadi Twitter,” BuzzFeed News, November 6, 2014,

Mohammed Hamzah Khan, Letter to his parents before his departure, October 2014

Oct. 2014
Name of Author
Mohammed Hamzah Khan

Letter to his parents before his departure:

“I am…obliged to pay taxes to the [U.S.] government… This in turn will be used automatically to kill my Muslim brothers and sisters… I simply cannot sit here and let my brothers and sisters get killed, with my own hard-earned money…I cannot live under a law in which I’m afraid to speak my beliefs. I want to be ruled by the Sharia [Islamic law], the best law for all-mankind.”“Letter prosecutors say Mohammed Hamzah Khan wrote to his parents,” Chicago Tribune, November 3, 2014,

“Nonetheless, me living in comfort with my family while my other family are getting killed is plain selfish of me.”“Letter prosecutors say Mohammed Hamzah Khan wrote to his parents,” Chicago Tribune, November 3, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Mohammed Hamzah Khan, Letter to his parents before his departure, October 2014

Oct. 2014
Name of Author
Mohammed Hamzah Khan

Letter to his parents before his departure:

“Muslims have been crushed under foot for too long…This nation is openly against Islam and Muslims… I do not want my progeny to be raised in a filthy environment like this.”Kevin Sullivan, “Three American teens, recruited online, are caught trying to join Islamic State,” Washington Post, December 8, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, member of Houthis political party, Fall 2014

Fall 2014
Name of Author
Mohammed al-Bukhaiti

“What we have in common with Iran or Hezbollah or Hamas and Islamic Jihad, is that we have a common stand vis-a-vis Israel and US and we will cooperate with any political actor in the region who stands in the face of the US regional designs.”“Q&A: What do the Houthis want?,” Al Jazeera, October 2, 2014,


Wassim Doureihi, HT Australia spokesman, October 2014

October 2014
Name of Author
Wassim Doureihi

“What I’m opposed to is a level of oppression, of barbarity that far exceeds anything ISIS would even imagine doing, and that's represented in the actions of governments like Australia and its allies like America. I'm condemning something which is infinitely greater in barbarity than anything ISIS has ever done or could even imagine doing. I'm condemning a set of policies that have cost the lives of over a million Iraqis.”“Islamic State: Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman allied mission in Iraq and Syria ‘infinitely greater in barbarity,’” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, October 8, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, Official AQAP video, September 30, 2014

Sep. 30, 2014
Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

“For we have come to know the main enemy, and America has for decades supported the occupying Jews in Palestine. And American drones bomb Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen. And they have killed mujahideen and their leaders as well as many among the Muslim public, and destroyed houses and terrorized children and women.” (Official AQAP video)Thomas Joscelyn and Oren Adaki, “AQAP official calls on rival factions in Syria to unite against West,” Long War Journal, October 1, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, Official AQAP video, September 30, 2014

Sep. 30, 2014
Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

It must be known that America is the head of the snake,” al Ansi says. “She is the one who mobilizes against the mujahideen and their Islamic project … and if the head falls, its tails fall as well.” (Official AQAP video)Thomas Joscelyn and Oren Adaki, “AQAP official calls on rival factions in Syria to unite against West,” Long War Journal, October 1, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, September 23, 2014

Sep. 23, 2014
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

The U.S. “…launched atomic bomb attacks against people in Japan and launched wars in Vietnam [and]… supported [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu in the 50-day war against Gaza… is not qualified ethically and morally to present itself as a fighter against terrorism or as a leader for an international coalition” against terrorism.“America mother of terrorism: Hezbollah chief,” Press TV, September 23, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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