
Group Message, April 22, 2023

April 22, 2023
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A statement released through As-Sahab, an al-Qaeda propaganda media wing:

“We shall stay in the hand of the oppressor— be it in the White House or the prime minister’s house in Delhi or GHQ in Rawalpindi. From Texas to Tihar to Adyala — we shall liberate all Muslim brothers and sisters from their shackles..We shall strap bombs to the bodies of our children to protect honour of our prophet…To Allah we belong and we shall return.”“Al-Qaeda vows to avenge the death of Atiq Ahmed in Eid message,” First Post, April 22, 2023,

Rhetoric Category

Ramezan Sharif, April 15, 2023

April 15, 2023

“This statement of the Zionists is not a new statement and they have repeated that many times. But maybe it has a message and that message is that the conditions of the Americans in the region are such that they cannot support the Zionists.

“In a sense, the Americans are trying not to throw themselves into the arms of the Zionists because they know that if the Zionists take action against us, our reciprocal measures will include bases supporting the Zionists.

“The main reason for such a statement by the Zionist regime can be seen as the message of the Americans to them that they are not able to support this regime as in the past and are not ready to enter into a battle that will determine where its fate will lead.”

“The Zionists know that if they start a military operation or action against us, the end of this action is not with them and it will definitely accelerate their destruction.”“Any Tel Aviv action against Iran will accelerate Israel destruction: IRGC,” Tehran Times, April 15, 2023,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, secretary-general, April 14, 2023

April 14, 2023

Speaking at a Quds Day rally in Beirut:

“Today, we celebrate with faith and calmness and feel security, strength, and power. But yesterday, the Israeli entity announced its alertness on all fronts, prepared Iron Domes on all fronts, and sent worthless threatening messages to all the countries in the region. We have created a powerful deterrent mechanism against Israel and its actions, as evidenced by what happened last week. The Israeli reaction is ridiculous. So far, neither Lebanon nor Syria or Gaza are interested in a conflict or war,” but “Israel should be scared, deterred and worried.

“It may explode, I warn Israel and the United States - the Muslim and Christian holy places are our red line... and the Palestinian red line.”

“The United States is busy with other fronts such as Russia’s war in Ukraine and the confrontation with China, and this is very troubling to the Israeli leadership. When the power of the United States weakens as a hegemonic power, it strategically affects Israel, and Israel’s deterrent power weakens because it relies on the U.S.”Matthias Inbar, “‘It may explode:’ Hezbollah chief issues stark warning to Israel in Quds Day speech,” i24 News, April 14, 2023,


HT Central Media Office, February 17, 2023

Feb. 17, 2023

“So it moves, motivated by Taqwa (piety) and responsibility, to take the decision of war and jihad in the way of Allah (swt) to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings.

“O Muslims: The Blessed Land will remain a thorn in the side of the Jews, America, the colonizers and the normalizers as a whole, and no colonizer or traitor will settle in it.”“On the Anniversary of the Destruction of the Khilafah Palestine Will be Liberated by the Khilafah, So mobilize The Ummah and Its Armies to Establish it (Translated),” Hizb ut-Tahrir Central Media Office, February 17, 2023,

Ahmed Abd al-Hadi, representative to Lebanon, December 7, 2022

Dec. 7, 2022

“Our Palestinian people, who faced all the previous projects that were aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause, will face this Zio-American project with a united Palestinian position and with a strong resistance that has been built by the courageous fighters of Palestine, especially those in the steadfast and fearless Gaza Strip.”“Abdul-Hadi: Our people are able to confront deal of the century,” Palestinian Information Center, December 7, 2022,


Unnamed Houthi official, August 2021

Aug. 2021
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Unnamed Houthi official

Speaking at a Houthi summer camp graduation ceremony:

“We tell the world that the Yemeni youth are at the forefront of the ranks in fighting off brutal aggression. These people say no to the damned culture of the US and Israel.”Saeed Al-Batati, “Thousands of Yemeni children brainwashed in Houthi ‘summer camps,’” Arab News, August 17, 2021,


Hashem Safieddine, Head of Executive Assembly, July 16, 2021

Jul. 16, 2021
Name of Author
Hashem Safieddine

“Today, the one who has destroyed Lebanon is the United States, which continues to interfere in all of the affairs of this country.”“Hezbollah Official: US behind All Sufferings in Lebanon,” Tasnim News Agency, July 17, 2021,

Rhetoric Category

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, June 3, 2021

Jun. 3, 2021
Name of Author
Abdul-Malik al-Houthi

“In parallel with the American move after September 11, there was more Israeli tyranny in the oppression of the Palestinian people. The Yemeni people are an integral part of the equation announced by [Hezbollah leader] Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in defense of Al-Quds, within the framework of the axis of resistance.”>“Leader of Revolution: Shouting “Death to America, death to ‘Israel’” slogan is practical trend in confronting US-Israeli plots,” Yemen News Agency (SABA), June 3, 2021,

Rhetoric Category

HT Tunisia statement, May 18, 2021

May 18, 2021

“Britain is the enemy of Muslims, as it brought down our state, tore apart our country, and planted the criminal Jewish entity, and America fights us everywhere and provides the Jewish entity with ways for survival. It supplies it with weapons and supports it internationally, as news agencies have announced these days the biggest arms deal between America and the Jewish entity. This America that the rulers of Tunisia introduced today and made our soldiers and officers under its command says that Muslims in Gaza are terrorists and murderers, it says that the children and women of Gaza are terrorists and deserve to be killed!”“America and Europe Kill our People in Palestine And the Rulers of Tunisia Put our Soldiers and Officers at their Disposal,” Hizb ut-Tahrir Central Media Office, May 18, 2021,

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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