
Hamas statement, April 11, 2023

April 11, 2023

“We call on the Palestinian people to intensify their presence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and defend it as Israeli colonial settler groups are planning to continue their raids into the Muslim sacred site on the last ten days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

“We warn the Israeli occupation against committing any foolish act against the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Palestinian worshippers and the Palestinian citizens of occupied Jerusalem.

“We call on the Arab and Muslim nations and international organisations to assume their responsibilities and put an end to the fascist Israeli occupation government’s aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

“Such aggression poses a threat to peace and security in the region and is tantamount to an assault on the beliefs of all Muslims.”“Hamas calls on Palestinians to intensify presence at Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Hamas, April 11, 2023,

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Ramezan Sharif, April 15, 2023

April 15, 2023

“This statement of the Zionists is not a new statement and they have repeated that many times. But maybe it has a message and that message is that the conditions of the Americans in the region are such that they cannot support the Zionists.

“In a sense, the Americans are trying not to throw themselves into the arms of the Zionists because they know that if the Zionists take action against us, our reciprocal measures will include bases supporting the Zionists.

“The main reason for such a statement by the Zionist regime can be seen as the message of the Americans to them that they are not able to support this regime as in the past and are not ready to enter into a battle that will determine where its fate will lead.”

“The Zionists know that if they start a military operation or action against us, the end of this action is not with them and it will definitely accelerate their destruction.”“Any Tel Aviv action against Iran will accelerate Israel destruction: IRGC,” Tehran Times, April 15, 2023,

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Hamas statement, April 14, 2023

April 14, 2023

“The Hamas movement believes that this day is a chance to unify the efforts of the Ummah and the free peoples of the world that are aimed to support of the Palestinian people’s rights and freedom struggle against the Israeli occupation.

“First: Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are the core of the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli occupation, which occupies our Palestinian homeland, kills and displaces our Palestinian people and Judaizes their holy sites. They will remain at the heart of Palestine and the Muslim world, which has a collective responsibility to liberate them from the fascist occupation.

“Second: We call on the Arab and Muslim nations to mobilise all efforts at the political, diplomatic, media, and humanitarian levels in order to rally more support for our Palestinian people, who are standing steadfast on their historical homeland, and back Palestinian worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

“Third: We hail our Palestinian people at home and in refugee camps abroad who have embraced the option of comprehensive resistance to defend their homeland, Jerusalem, Palestinian detainees, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will continue endorsing such an approach until our Palestinian people restore their legitimate rights and achieve their aspirations for freedom and a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.” “Press release on International Quds Day,” Hamas, April 14, 2023,

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Hossein Salami, IRGC commander-in-chief, April 14, 2023

April 14, 2023

Speaking at a ceremony in Tehran marking Quds Day:

“The cause of liberation of al-Quds has become a clear and achievable reality. Today, the enigma of (how to ensure) security is becoming more complicated for the (Zionist) regime every day.”“International Quds Day rallies held across Iran,” Tehran Times, April 14, 2023,

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Hassan Nasrallah, secretary-general, April 14, 2023

April 14, 2023

Speaking at a Quds Day rally in Beirut:

“Today, we celebrate with faith and calmness and feel security, strength, and power. But yesterday, the Israeli entity announced its alertness on all fronts, prepared Iron Domes on all fronts, and sent worthless threatening messages to all the countries in the region. We have created a powerful deterrent mechanism against Israel and its actions, as evidenced by what happened last week. The Israeli reaction is ridiculous. So far, neither Lebanon nor Syria or Gaza are interested in a conflict or war,” but “Israel should be scared, deterred and worried.

“It may explode, I warn Israel and the United States - the Muslim and Christian holy places are our red line... and the Palestinian red line.”

“The United States is busy with other fronts such as Russia’s war in Ukraine and the confrontation with China, and this is very troubling to the Israeli leadership. When the power of the United States weakens as a hegemonic power, it strategically affects Israel, and Israel’s deterrent power weakens because it relies on the U.S.”Matthias Inbar, “‘It may explode:’ Hezbollah chief issues stark warning to Israel in Quds Day speech,” i24 News, April 14, 2023,


Hamas statement, April 13, 2023

April 13, 2023

“Hamas calls on the Palestinian residents of the West Bank and the 1948 occupied territories to participate in tomorrow’s Friday prayers to express solidarity with the Al-Aqsa and protest against continued Israeli crimes and Judaization plans.

“We also salute the steadfast Palestinian people who are prepared to defend the Muslims’ holy compound at any cost.”

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Mohammed Adil, HT Central Media Office, April 13, 2023

April 13, 2023

“How ironic is it that the most cowardly nation in the world, the Jews, could enter Masjid Al-Aqsa with roaring and growling like lions, but the soldiers of Salahuddin Ayyubi are imprisoned in their military barracks like mice!?

“O Muslims! Shedding tears is not enough, boiling with anger and sorrow is not enough, expressing grief and anger on social media is not enough, nor is boycotting Jewish products enough, which they bring to the land of Muslims. It is your duty to liberate every square foot and every inch of Palestinian land from the clutches of the Jews. It is incumbent upon you to capture and shake every son, brother, father and grandfather present in the Pakistani army and demand with determination, “Are there no Salahuddin Ayyubis among you?!” O Muslim soldiers of the Pakistani army!

“Your hands are tied up by this rotten capitalist system! Raise for the sake of Allah (swt) and uproot this man made system and support the establishment of Khilafah Rashidah (rightly guided Caliphate) on the method of Prophethood. Only then you can unleash your self for the sake of Allah (swt) and strike the heads of cowardly Jews and Hindus and their supporters.” Mohammed Adil, “Forces of the Jewish Entity Attack Palestinians in Al-Aqsa for the Second Time,” Hizb ut-Tahrir Central Media Office, April 13, 2023,

HT Central Media Office, April 7, 2023

April 7, 2023

“The residents of the city of Al-Bab in the outskirts of Aleppo organized a demonstration in support of the blessed Masjid al Aqsa and call for the mobilization of the armies to liberate it from the filth of the Jews.”“Minbar Ummah: Demonstration in the city of Al-Bab in Support of Masjid al Aqsa and the Armies!,” Hizb ut-Tahrir Central Media Office, April 7, 2023,

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HT Central Media Office, April 6, 2023

April 6, 2023

“The noble Muslim man has been thrown out of Al-Masjid al-Aqsa, to make way for the Jewish settlers. The most cowardly of all people, the Jews, strut and roar like lions, whilst the sons of Salahudin are caged like domesticated pets, in their military barracks.”“O Armed Forces of Pakistan! Is There Not One Salahudin Amongst You to Liberate Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa?!,” Hizb ut-Tahrir Central Media Office, April 6, 2023,

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HT Britain, April 5, 2023

April 5, 2023

“Liberate al Aqsa, Call for Khilafah!

  1. Alhamdulillah - ALWAYS – Alhamdulillah
  2. We salute the iman and bravery of our Palestinian Muslim brothers and sisters, who remain steadfast in their defence of al-Aqsa. With their Iman, their blood and their bodies they defend Al Aqsa. The men and the women. The young and the old. After 75 years, the aggression and provocation of the Zionist occupiers has not exhausted them - Alhamdulillah - and with the help of Allah it never will.
  3. What encourages the Zionists in these disgusting acts is the active support of the regimes in the Muslim world. They know full well the resources of the Muslims will never be used against them as long as our traitor ruler's are in power. Egypt, Jordan, Turkey have had open relations for years. UAE, Morocco and Sudan more recently. Saudi and Pakistan, there are murmurs - but they have openly said IF there is a tiny, fractured, weak, defenceless Palestine that is officially recognised, they will also surrender Palestine and Al Aqsa!
  4. We can't remain silent in the face of this aggression, it's our duty to expose the Zionists, call out the rulers - and to call for the return of Islam to power, so we can mobilise the Muslim world politically, economically and military for the liberation of Palestine”Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, Facebook post, April 5, 2023, 8:11 a.m.,
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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