
Hazem Qasim, spokesman, November 19, 2020

Nov. 19, 2020

“The Bahraini Foreign Minister’s visit to the Israeli occupation and the friendly talks he had with criminal Israeli leaders are deplored and condemned in strong terms. This is an unacceptable act at the Arab and moral levels.

“The Bahraini Foreign Minister’s visit to the Israeli occupation which coincided with an unprecedented fierce illegal settlement activity in the occupied city of Jerusalem makes the Gulf nation a partner in the aggression against our people’s rights to their lands.”“Statement on Bahraini FM’s visit to Israeli occupation,” Hamas, November 19, 2020,

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Ismail Haniyeh, September 6, 2020

Sept. 6, 2020
Name of Author
Ismail Haniyeh

Addressing a crowd in the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon:

“Not long ago, our rockets only reached metres from Gaza’s borders. Today, the resistance in Gaza possesses rockets that can reach Tel Aviv and beyond Tel Aviv.”“Hamas and Hezbollah leaders meet in Lebanon,” Middle East Eye, September 6, 2020,

Rhetoric Category

Khaled Qaddoumi, representative in Iran, September 2020

Sept. 2020

“Today the resistance front, especially Hamas, besides other brothers in Gaza, exercises its pressure through different means against the Israeli enemy, and we have found that after the people of Gaza have sent all those balloons, have invited all those dignitaries from different corners of the world to mediate for the enforcement of ceasefire between the enemy and us.

“We are in dire need of a strong coalition in the region to repel any threat and reject all foreign interventions; we can stand solid and strong in all areas, including economy, culture, and politics. You are very right that Turkey, Iran, and Qatar, and all others to join such a coalition. It is the right recipe for the dignity and prosperity of the region and Islamic countries.

“The only enemy is the Israeli regime.

“The decision-makers in Iran knew, and now they see that we all have the same destiny, and we face the same enemy, and we need to remove it from the region.

“This entity is the only cause of instability. Our relations are multi-dimensional today. It is not only at the military level, but it is also at the political level, planning level, and we have a common understanding of many political issues. There are collaboration at the discussion level, meeting level, and this collaboration is also being implemented practically in multi visits between Iranian brothers and us either in Tehran or in the region. I hope that we move towards more proper and more strategic steps in favor of the unity of the Muslim Ummah and facing the common enemy (Israel).”Mohammad Mazhari, “Iran, Turkey, and Qatar can form alliance: Hamas representative in Tehran,” Tehran Times, September 7, 2020,

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Khalil al-Hayya, deputy Gaza leader, September 1, 2020

Sept. 1, 2020

On the August 2020 cross-border attacks between Israel and Gaza:

“We initially planned to fight this with all the tools at our disposal…including going through the Great March of Return protests to pressure Israel, even if such a matter led to escalation.”Aaron Boxerman, “Hamas Deputy: We’ll Give Israel Two Months to Implement Ceasefire,” Times of Israel, September 1, 2020,

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HT Britain, August 15, 2020

Aug. 15, 2020

“The whole of Palestine belongs to the Muslims and must be liberated entirely. We must say no to all negotiations and deals with the Zionist entity and must not compromise on an inch of Palestine despite the bloodshed we witness, as this is nothing but submission to colonial plans to firmly implant this cancerous entity in the Muslim world.”“UAE AGREES DEAL WITH THE ZIONIST ENTITY,” Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, August 15, 2020,

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Khaled Qaddoumi, representative in Iran, August 2020

Aug. 2020

Interview with Iran’s Mehr News Agency on normalization between Israel and the United Arab Emirates:

“The normalization of relations between the UAE and the Zionist regime is as criminal an act as the arson attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque. The arson attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque is an act of transgression against the symbol of the Islamic and Arab ummah, and those who normalize relations with Israel intend to introduce this aggressor as a friend and justify its many crimes. It is not befitting for us as human beings to reduce global problems to the level of personal issues. Someone commits a wrong deed. Should we thank him for it? No, I’d tell him he’s crossed the line. The criminal nature of normalizing relations with the Zionist regime and setting fire to the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the same.”“UAE suffering from Stockholm Syndrome: Khaled al-Qaddumi,” Mehr News Agency, August 25, 2020,

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Khaled Qaddoumi, representative in Iran, August 2020

Aug. 2020

Interview with Iran’s Mehr News Agency on normalization between Israel and the United Arab Emirates:

“In our opinion, the Zionist regime is and will remain the enemy. The regime is destined for destruction and deterioration, and whichever country that has established friendly ties with it will join the regime in the wasteland of history.” “UAE suffering from Stockholm Syndrome: Khaled al-Qaddumi,” Mehr News Agency, August 25, 2020,

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Khaled Qaddoumi, representative in Iran, August 2020

Aug. 2020

“Any of the countries that have normalized ties with the Zionist regime since 1978 have not achieved any of those announced goals neither economic nor political ones. Political figures in Tel Aviv use normalization of ties with other countries just as a tool to save themselves.”Zahra Mirzafarjouyan, “No deal can legitimize the Zionist regime: Khaled al- Qaddumi,” Mehr News Agency, August 24, 2020,

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Naim Qassem, Deputy Leader, April 2020

April 2020
Name of Author
Naim Qassem

In an interview with Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV:

“On April 11, 1996, the Israeli enemy sought to sow the seeds of division between Hezbollah and the Lebanese nation through committing massacres. Several world states conspired with the Zionists after the so-called Summit of Peacemakers in the Egyptian port city of Sharm El-Sheikh in order to end the resistance movement.”“Hezbollah totally ready to confront Israeli military aggression at any time: Top official,” PressTV, April 14, 2020,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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