
Hashem Safieddine, Head of Executive Assembly, May 19, 2020

May 19, 2020
Name of Author
Hashem Safieddine

“We are perfectly ready to confront any act of aggression or instance of folly that the Zionist regime could commit. The resistance movement is currently assured and well aware of its approach and choices in the event of such a confrontation with the enemy.”“Liberation of Al-Quds Main Goal of Resistance Front: Hezbollah,” Tasnim News Agency, May 20, 2020,

Rhetoric Category

Nasr al-Shammary, May 2019

May 2019
Name of Author
Nasr al-Shammary

“Our battle in the region against the US will continue until the end of their occupation and the destruction of the Occupying Regime (of Israel).”“Iraq’s Nujaba Says to Continue Fight against US until End of Occupation,” Tasnim News Agency, May 20, 2019,

Rhetoric Category

Nasr al-Shammary, November 27, 2019

Nov. 27, 2019
Name of Author
Nasr al-Shammary

“Based on our religious duty and principles, we believe that there is an inevitable confrontation with Israel. Therefore, we surely will take part in such a war against the Zionist entity alongside the other movements, on top of which is the Lebanese Hezbollah. If there had been a war between Hezbollah and Syria at one front and Israel at another front, we would be at the front of the Mujahideen who fight Israel in order to regain the rights of the Arab and Islamic nations.”“Iraq’s pro-Iran movement to take part in any war against Israel,” Middle East Monitor, November 28, 2019,

Rhetoric Category

Fathi Hamad, senior Hamas official, July 12, 2018

Jul. 12, 2018
Name of Author
Fathi Hamad

“On this day, as we are witnessing all that is happening with the grace of Allah, we are looking forward to two important things, which are within sight: The first is the cleansing of Palestine of the filth of the Jews, and their uprooting from it, Allah willing. This is within sight. Four years, my brothers... By 2022, we will be rid of them.

“It is unacceptable that the Jews control some of the Arab states – their regimes, their armies, and their security agencies – while the peoples remain oppressed. Oh peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation, oh Palestinian people, you possess a concealed power that you can detonate in the faces of the Jews and the hypocrites. We expect another Arab Spring from you, with new characteristics – a second Arab Spring, which will focus on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Allah willing. We are your embers and your fuel, Allah willing.

“We say, facing this challenge with courage and bravery: We are coming for you, oh Netanyahu! We are coming for you, oh Lieberman! We are coming to chop your head off your necks! We are coming to chop off that entity and to destroy that army, which our Prophet informed us that we would defeat.”“Senior Hamas Official Fathi Hammad: We Will Cleanse Palestine of the Filth of the Jews, Heal the Nation of the Jewish Cancer; Netanyahu, Lieberman, We Are Coming to Chop Off Your Heads!,” MEMRI, July 12, 2018,

Rhetoric Category

Akram al-Kaabi, March 2019

Mar. 2019

“We in the Iraqi resistance stand with [Lebanese] Hizbollah…and we will stand with Hizbollah in any Israeli attack or action against it.”Laurie Mylroie, “US Sanctions Pro-Iran Militia in Iraq as Terrorist Group,” Kurdistan 24, March 7, 2019,

Akram al-Kaabi, January 2019

Jan. 2019

“…[W]e are fighting a policy – the policy of the U.S. and British regimes, or the entire Zionist occupation. The Zionists constitute an army for which a state was created and for which they want to create a people. All the forces and all the Israelis on the land of Palestine are occupiers – even the newborn babies. There are no exceptions. They constitute an army brought over by the British occupiers, who created this cancerous tumor and planted it in the region.”“Al-Nujaba Militia Leader Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi: IRGC and Lebanese Hizbullah Officers Have Guided Us in Fighting the American Forces since 2004: 'We Started Using Explosively Formed Penetrators... They Would Explode inside the Tank, Destroying It and Killing' the Americans Inside,” Middle East Media Research Institute, January 24, 2019,

Qassam Brigades statement, December 13, 2018

Dec. 13, 2018
Name of Author
Qassam Brigades statement

“From the heroic Barkan operation to the Ofra operation, the Qassam Brigades are undertaking a new battle.” Adam Rasoon, “Hamas spokesman praises ‘heroic’ West Bank terror attack,” Times of Israel, December 13, 2018,

Rhetoric Category

Abdelatif al-Qanou, spokesman, December 13, 2018

Dec. 13, 2018
Name of Author
Abdelatif al-Qanou

“The heroic Silwad operation is a response to the Zionist occupation‘s crimes and behavior in the occupied West Bank. The West Bank‘s youth and men will remain rebels against the occupation and continue to clash with it until it is banished.” (Tweet) Adam Rasoon, “Hamas spokesman praises ‘heroic’ West Bank terror attack,” Times of Israel, December 13, 2018,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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