
Hamas statement, December 8, 2023

Dec. 8, 2023

“We announce that a number of our Zionist captives were killed and injured in a barbaric bombing carried out by the Zionist occupation on several areas of Gaza City.”Hamas statement, Hamas Online Telegram Channel, 8, 2023.

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Hamas statement, December 7, 2023

Dec. 7, 2023

“In the face of the continued Nazi occupation in the genocidal war and horrifying massacres committed by the Zionist occupation for two months against more than two million Palestinian citizens, we appeal to the masses of our Arab and Islamic Ummah. We call upon its scholars, leaders, institutions, and vibrant forces to come out in powerful gatherings this Friday and in the coming days in all cities, capitals, and squares. Actively participate in solidarity marches and protests with our people in the Gaza Strip, exerting pressure to deliver relief, humanitarian, and medical aid to all parts of Gaza and to halt the Zionist aggression against innocent civilians.

“We also renew our call to the free and conscientious people worldwide to continue and escalate their global mass movement, rejecting the occupation’s crimes and standing in solidarity with our people, their just cause, and their legitimate struggle. We urge an end to the aggression and genocidal war against children, women, and civilians. Let us all unite this Friday and in the days to come, expressing our solidarity with Gaza and Palestine and condemning the crimes of the occupation until the aggression stops.”Hamas statement, Hamas Online Telegram Channel, December 7, 2023.

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Yahya Sarea, Houthi spokesman, December 3, 2023

Dec. 3, 2023

“The Yemeni armed forces continue to prevent Israeli ships from navigating the Red Sea (and Gulf of Aden) until the Israeli aggression against our steadfast brothers in the Gaza Strip stops. The Yemeni armed forces renew their warning to all Israeli ships or those associated with Israelis that they will become a legitimate target if they violate what is stated in this statement.”Jon Gambrell, “3 commercial ships hit by missiles in Houthi attack in Red Sea, US warship downs 3 drones,” Associated Press, last updated December 4, 2023,; “Houthi Attacks on Commercial Shipping in International Water Continue,” U.S. Central Command, December 3, 2023,

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Hamas statement, December 1, 2023

Dec. 1, 2023

Following the end of a week-long ceasefire:

“The Zionist occupation bears accountability for reigniting the genocidal war and Nazi aggression against the Gaza Strip, persistently rejecting offers throughout the night for the release of detainees.

“Throughout the night, indirect negotiations unfolded to extend the truce, within which we proposed exchanges involving prisoners and elderly people, as well as the handover of bodies of Israeli detainees who lost their lives due to Zionist bombings. Hamas also offered to transfer the Bibas family’s bodies and release their father for their burial, along with two Zionist detainees. However, the occupation, driven by a predetermined decision to resume criminal aggression, remained unresponsive.

“The Biden administration and President Biden in person shoulder full responsibility for the continuation of Zionist war crimes in the Gaza Strip with their unwavering support and the green light they gave to the occupation thanks to the Secretary of State Blinken’s recent visit to the Zionist entity. The American approval of the occupation’s new plans to resume aggression has already resulted in the killing of dozens of innocent civilians and children.

“We assert that our steadfast Palestinian people, firmly rooted in their homeland and supported by the valiant Al-Qassam Brigades actively countering aggression on all fronts while resuming heroic operations, will certainly thwart this criminal aggression.

“Our steadfast people, facing the US-backed Zionist terror army, will prevail, asserting their indomitable will against the defeated occupation army.”Hamas statement, Hamas Online Telegram Channel, December 1, 2023.

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Izzat al-Rishq, member of Political Bureau, December 1, 2023

Dec. 1, 2023

“The American administration has not only given the green light to this Zionist aggression and the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing against our people, but has always positioned itself as a loyal advocate for (Israel) in all stages of its aggression and terrorism. Today, it brazenly repeats the Zionist lies, which hold Hamas responsible for resuming the war and not extending the humanitarian truce.”Tom O’Connor, “Hamas Takes Aim at Biden as Truce Gives Way to New Fighting in Gaza,” Newsweek, December 1, 2023,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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