
Abulaziz Abu Muscab, military operations Spokesman, 2014

Name of Author
Abulaziz Abu Muscab

“[Answering the question “Why Target Nairobi’s Westgate Mall?”] It is a place where tourists from around the world come to shop, where diplomats gather,… where Kenya’s decision-makers go to relax and enjoy themselves… a place where there are Jewish and American shops.”A Shabāb Mujahid Bro, “End of Safari,” Inspire Magazine, no. 12 (Spring 2014): 30, See Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s al-Malāḥim Media releases Inspire Magazine Issue #12,” Jihadology, March 14, 2014,


Al-Shabaab Press Office, 2014

Name of Author
Al-Shabaab Press Office

“Kenyans will not appreciate the gravity of the situation without seeing, feeling and experiencing death in all its ghoulish detail.”A Shabāb Mujahid Bro, “End of Safari,” Inspire Magazine, no. 12 (Spring 2014): 30, See Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s al-Malāḥim Media releases Inspire Magazine Issue #12,” Jihadology, March 14, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Ahmed Abdi Godane, then-leader, 2014

Sep. 2013
Name of Author
Ahmed Abdi Godane

“There is no way that you, the Kenyan public could possibly endure a prolonged war in Somalia and you cannot also withstand a war of attrition inside your own country. So make your choice today and withdraw all your forces from the Islamic Wilāyāt, otherwise be prepared for an abundance of blood that will be spilt on your country, economic downfall and displacement. (Audio message regarding Westgate Mall attack)A Shabāb Mujahid Bro, “End of Safari,” Inspire Magazine, no. 12 (Spring 2014): 30, See Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s al-Malāḥim Media releases Inspire Magazine Issue #12,” Jihadology, March 14, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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