
Lucas Gage, February 8, 2024

Feb. 8, 2024

“I don’t trust any of them. Not one. Not even my Jewish friends—I can’t trust them! They’re not doing the right thing. Jews have proven to me—to me, maybe not to you, but to me—Jews have shown me they cannot be trusted to do the right thing. You say, well what about the anti-Zionist Jews? Oh, don’t even get me started with these people. These frauds. The anti-Zionist Jews can’t be trusted either. And they’ve shown me exactly why. They want to be anti-Zionists in their own way and you have to follow their way of anti-Zionism. If you don’t, you’re an antisemite, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, Holocaust denier, mass murderer. That’s what you are! Jews always want to control the frame of all points, whether it be the left wing or the right wing, Zionism, anti-Zionism…. You pick a thing, they want to be ahead in the front, controlling the narrative. And if you dare say, ‘wait a minute, you’re not even a fraction of humanity, how can you be in charge of all the narratives?’ You’re an antisemite, Nazi, Holocaust denier! That’s what they say! But the Jews have shown—and proven to me—they have no ability to maintain anything. And in fact, all they do is destroy everything they touch! They destroy and destroy. With their paranoia. They create a problem that does not exist—yet!”“It’s the ‘Jèwish Problem,’ not ‘Zionist Problem.,’” Rumble video, 13:04, posted by “Lucas Gage,” February 8, 2024,

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Lucas Gage, February 8, 2024

Feb. 8. 2024

“My government—‘mine,’ it’s not even mine because they don’t represent me—is using our tax dollars to blow children up. Or rather allowing the satanic Jews in Israel blow up the kids. They’re still going on about October 7. They’re still going on about the Holocaust. They’re still sitting there justifying the genocide of innocent men, women, and children. Are you not sick of these people? I am so sick and tired of Jews in general.”“It’s the ’Jèwish Problem,’ not ‘Zionist Problem.,’” Rumble video, 13:04, posted by “Lucas Gage,” February 8, 2024,

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Nawa-i-Ghazwa-e-Hind, January 30, 2024

Jan. 30, 2024
Name of Author

Editorial on Hamas’s War on Israel:

“This battle [Al-Aqsa Storm] is not only a battle for the liberation of Al-Aqsa, rather a battle for our freedom from the claws of the New World Order too. The first step in our freedom is our mental freedom, the freedom of our heart and mind and thought and vision. This is that freedom after which we will be able to know what duty is upon us by reasoning and by shari’a, and also which enemy it is essential to target as a first priority to bring down and break up the system whose vein is in the claws of the Jews.”“In January 2024 Issue Of Its Urdu-Language Journal ‘Nawa-i-Ghazwa-e-Hind,’ Al-Qaeda In The Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) Reacts To Pakistan Navy Deploying Warships In Support Of Israel, Urges Attacks On Americans Worldwide: Hamas Attack ‘Is Not Only A Battle For The Liberation Of Al-Aqsa, Rather A Battle For Our Freedom From The Claws Of The New World Order Too,’” Middle East Media Monitor, February 13, 2024,

Lucas Gage, January 29, 2024

Jan. 29, 2024

“The Jews play both parts, victim and oppressor, in order to gain power over the Gentiles. They do this by creating and standing on both sides of every division you can think of. This allows them to always have a guaranteed victory in any situation, incrementally gaining more and more power over time, until they have captured every institution, and bought off every traitor they can. At this point, their mask comes off and they outright demand submission, and will openly destroy anyone who resists.

“Jewish Supremacists are the enemies of all free people and have no right to be in any positions of power over us. It is our duty to remove these supremacists from our society, by showing the People their true nature, and demanding they remove themselves immediately. Of course we are no where close to the numbers needed to scare these rats off, and that's why it is important to continue waking up more people, until everyone knows who and what they are.” (Gab)“Lucas_Gage_,” Gab post, January 29, 2024,

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Hamas statement, January 21, 2024

Jan. 21, 2024

From Hamas’s “Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”:

“Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.”“Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, January 21, 2024.

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Osama Hamdan, senior official, January 10, 2024

Jan. 10, 2024

“The Nazi occupation’s marketing, in partnership with the American administration, of what is called ‘the transition to the third phase of the war’ comes in the context of false and exposed black propaganda by our people and our resistance, and a desperate attempt to pass it off as an achievement at the expense of the blood of our people, in light of the continuation of all forms of massacres and crimes against our people.”“Press Statement,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, January 10, 2024.


Lucas Gage, January 10, 2024

Jan. 10, 2024

“The truth is, no one is coming to save us; we have to save ourselves, and this starts with waking up your most inner circle (friends/family), and moving outward from there.

“So, please don’t waste your time getting upset or disappointed that this or that person has bent the knee to the Jews; the reality is, they will continue to do so unless we stop bending ours. Once we stop bending ours, all the people at the top will actually be forced to stand up against Jewish power, because all their wealth, fame, and influence, actually depends on us. In other words, they are not the ones to set the trend, we are. And if they don’t do what we want, the lose everything they have.

“We the People have true power; we have the numbers and the truth on our side. The Jews have neither; their entire power structure is based on lies, corruption, treachery, all of which also depends on us, so that means we can end their reign of terror when we want to.” (Gab)“Lucas_Gage_,” Gab post, January 10, 2024,

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Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, spokesman, January 4, 2024

January 4, 2024
Name of Author
Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, spokesman

Statement entitled, “And Kill Them Wherever You find Them”:

“Monotheism is the goal, and jihad is the path…the war with the Jews will not end in a one-state solution or two-state solution, as nationalists believe. It is a religious ideological war that will continue until we kill their antichrist under the banner of the Prophet of Allah… tighten the plans and diversify operations: Blow them up with explosives, burn them with incendiary bombs, shoot them with bullets, slaughter their necks with knives, and run them over with buses.”“Islamic State (ISIS) Spokesman Instructs Muslims To Renew Lone Wolf Attacks In U.S., Europe, In Support Of Gaza; Discredits Palestinian Factions For Their Alliance With Iran, Calls On Arabs To Rebel Against Their Rulers,” Middle East Media Research Institute, January 4, 2024,


Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, spokesman, January 4, 2024

January 4, 2024
Name of Author
Abu Huudhayfah Al-Ansari, spokesman

Statement entitled, “And Kill Them Wherever You find Them”:

“Lions of Islam: Chase your preys whether Jewish, Christian or their allies, on the streets and roads of America, Europe, and the world. Break into their homes, kill them and steal their peace of mind by any means you can lay hands on. Understand that you are the arm of the Islamic State hitting in the kuffar’s homelands, and are avenging the Muslims in Palestine, Iraq, Sham, and other Muslim countries… Intentionally seek easy targets before hard ones, civilian targets before military one, religious targets like synagogues and churches before others, for this will satisfy the soul and will demonstrate the characteristics of the battle, as our battle with them is a religious one and we kill them wherever we come upon them in response to Allah Almighty’s command.”Abu Ḥudhayfah, “And Kill Them Wherever You find Them,” Halummu, January 4, 2024.


Lucas Gage, December 20, 2023

Dec. 20, 2023

“So we all know these Jewish supremacists scumbags, they’re all laughing, ‘We got him. Hahaha. We got him!’ But what they don’t realize is they once again prove me right. They once again show everyone that they control virtually every fucking thing, including the supposed ‘free speech platform.’ Elon Musk said no one would get suspended unless they fucking break the law. Did I break the law? Did I break the law? No, I didn’t break the law. There are Zionists all over the internet—Jews all over the internet saying ‘kill these people, murder these people,’ shoot—literally raze Gaza, you name it.”“Awesome Jew,” Twitter post, December 20, 2023, 7:38 p.m.,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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