
Lucas Gage, November 11, 2023

Nov. 11, 2023

“Here’s the deal Zionists:

If you harm me any further, and succeed to ban my account here, I will simply run for US Senate or Congress. At that point, I will be reinstated with an account, as Elon will not allow election interference. My entire campaign will be a two-issues: Internet free speech laws and anti-Zionism.

So you either leave me the fück alone, so I can exercise my free speech on here as a powerless "influencer" who may offended you with some words, OR you remove me from here and I use my campagin to run for office, and G-d forbid, I gain political power lol.

Be smart!” (Tweet)“Lucas Gage, Twitter post, November 11, 2023, 8:09 a.m.,

Rhetoric Category

HT Pakistan, October 25, 2023

Oct. 25, 2023

Statement advocating for Pakistani military intervention in Gaza:

“It is the shari’a obligation of the military leadership that instead of condolences and sympathy, it should root out the Jewish state and destroy this cancerous pimple…Why are [Pakistan's] ballistic missiles not being fired at Tel Aviv to protect our mujahideen on the ground?... If your current leaders are not able to lead you in this war, then hand over the power to someone who can establish the caliphate based on the Prophet and move the armies for Jihad against Jews.”“Hizbut Tahrir Pakistan Calls On Pakistani Military To Fight Israel: ‘Why Are [Pakistan’s] Ballistic Missiles Not Being Fired At Tel Aviv To Protect Our Mujahideen?,’” Middle East Media Research Institute, November 20, 2023,

Hamas statement, October 9, 2023

Oct. 9, 2023

“For more than seven decades, the world has witnessed the Israeli occupation and its fascist government’s awful attacks against the Palestinian people, children, women, and elderly people.

“The world has seen how the Israeli occupation continues to colonize Palestinian lands, Judaize Palestinian territories, establish settlements, desecrate Muslim and Christian places, kill Palestinians in cold blood, insult Palestinian women, and attack Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails. All of these crimes happened amid international silence, and therefore the occupation escalated its terrorism and aggression until the Israeli occupation crimes became too aggravated.”Hamas Online, Telegram, October 9, 2023.

Rhetoric Category

Hamas statement, September 13, 2023

Sept. 13, 2023

“Thirty years have passed since the so-called Oslo Accords, which were orchestrated to serve the Israeli occupation and its settler colonial project. These agreements have inflicted nothing but more suffering, agony, and tragedies upon the Palestinian people.

“Given the devastating aftermath of these accords, which have manifested in the loss of Palestinian lives, forced displacements, abductions, the occupation and seizure of our historic lands, and the ongoing efforts to Judaise Muslim and Christian holy sites, and in the midst of the escalating aggression and atrocities perpetrated by the Israeli occupation government against the Palestinian people, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas states the following:

“First: The Palestinian people's unwavering support for the resistance project conveys a clear message that resistance and struggle are the only way to achieve liberation and the establishment of a Palestinian state.

“Second: We reiterate our firm stance against all agreements that compromise our principles and national rights and call on the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) to recognise the failure of the "Oslo" accords and terminate them.

“Third: We also call on the PLO to withdraw recognition of the Israeli occupation entity and work towards restructuring the Palestinian house and achieving national unity.”“Statement on 30th anniversary of infamous ‘Oslo Accords,’” Hamas, September 13, 2023,


Qais al-Khazali, August 13, 2023

Aug. 13, 2023

“The Devil is not a theoretical enemy. He has a party that abides by his orders. As will be shown, this party of the Devil is led by the Jews.

“The Jews are the soldiers who serve the Devil – this is the Jewish lobby that controls the decision-making, the media, the economy, the dollar, the weapons trade, and so on. This is no longer a conspiracy theory. This has become clear.”“Iraqi Shi’ite Militia Leader Qais Al-Khazali: The Jews Are The Soldiers Of The Devil, Control Global Affairs; The Jewish Lobby Murdered Prophet Muhammad And Imam Ali,” MEMRI, August 13, 2023,

Rhetoric Category

Qais al-Khazali, August 13, 2023

Aug. 13, 2023

“It was the Jews – the Jewish lobby – that murdered the fathers and forefathers of the Prophet Muhammad. This point does not require further proof, right? Secondly, it was the Jewish lobby that assassinated the Prophet Muhammad. You can check it out to see that I am right. Thirdly, I say – and Allah willing, I will prove – that it was the Jewish lobby that murdered Ali bin Abu Taleb.

“Fourthly, I say – and Allah willing, I will prove – that it was the Jewish lobby who was behind the murder of all the Imams.

“Regardless of who was the actual perpetrator... The Jewish lobby is the reason for the occultation of the Hidden Imam. It is the Jewish lobby that is searching for the Hidden Imam, and they might do anything in order to murder him.”“Iraqi Shi’ite Militia Leader Qais Al-Khazali: The Jews Are The Soldiers Of The Devil, Control Global Affairs; The Jewish Lobby Murdered Prophet Muhammad And Imam Ali,” MEMRI, August 13, 2023,

Rhetoric Category

Qais al-Khazali, May 15, 2023

May 15, 2023

Speech accusing Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency of complicity in the death of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib in the seventh century:

“Qatam was a prostitute. What had been the modus operandi of the Israeli-Jewish intelligence agency? What do we know about them? How do they get their sources? It is either through money or through women. Right? In this case, it was a woman. There is no doubt that she worked for the Israeli Mossad back then, and through her, they recruited [Imam Ali's killer]. Abd Al-Satan Ibn Criminal [i.e. Abd Al-Rahman Ibn Mujlam].”“Iraqi Shi’ite Militia Leader Qais Al-Khazali: The Israeli Mossad Used A Prostitute To Assassinate Imam Ali In The 7th Century,” MEMRI, May 15, 2023,

Rhetoric Category

HT Australia, May 3, 2023

May 3, 2023

“The Jewish entity proudly celebrates its brutal occupation and usurpation of the blessed land of Palestine. Another shameful and painful reminder of the brazenness of the Jewish entity whose filth soils the sacred sites of the blessed land of Palestine before the eyes of the neighboring Muslim countries. The rows of flags of the Jewish entity hoisted above for all to see, the occupiers celebrate their holidays all the while desecrating the Muslim prayer sites and all too recently in the holy month of Ramadan – Masjid Al-Aqsa smashing the furniture and beating the worshippers on the blessed nights – as a reminder again for the idle armed forces of the Muslim forces. The settlers also stormed into the Aqsa compound with their flags making their way into Bab Al-Rahma provoking the Palestinians.

“The flags represent the existence of the state that is the enemy to the people of Palestine and its lands and sanctities. Its existence that was founded by the British empire to become and remain a thorn in the heart of the Muslim lands of the Middle East to obstruct their unity as one Islamic Ummah that radiate power and brotherhood to the other Muslim lands in the Asian continent and African continent to unite as one Ummah.”Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia, Facebook post, May 3, 2023, 2:09 p.m.,

Rhetoric Category

Basim Naim, head of Hamas’s Council on International Relations, May 2023

May 2023

“You have millions of Muslims in Europe. Why should they keep silent when they see that the holy places are insulted or stormed by Jews? It means you are creating … a new conflict area in France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and America. Everywhere.

“I have to recall that it is not a conflict between Gaza and Israel – it is a conflict between Palestinians everywhere and Israel. And if it is about the holy places, it means that you are recruiting millions and millions of Muslims to the same conflict.

“And you are converting a political conflict into a religious one, which makes it very, very complicated and much more difficult to solve … There’s no negotiation, compromise or coexistence … because it is all or none.”Eliyahu Freedman, “Before Flag Day, Hamas warns tensions turning more religious,” Al Jazeera, May 17, 2023,

Rhetoric Category

Hamas statement, April 14, 2023

April 14, 2023

“The Hamas movement believes that this day is a chance to unify the efforts of the Ummah and the free peoples of the world that are aimed to support of the Palestinian people’s rights and freedom struggle against the Israeli occupation.

“First: Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are the core of the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli occupation, which occupies our Palestinian homeland, kills and displaces our Palestinian people and Judaizes their holy sites. They will remain at the heart of Palestine and the Muslim world, which has a collective responsibility to liberate them from the fascist occupation.

“Second: We call on the Arab and Muslim nations to mobilise all efforts at the political, diplomatic, media, and humanitarian levels in order to rally more support for our Palestinian people, who are standing steadfast on their historical homeland, and back Palestinian worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

“Third: We hail our Palestinian people at home and in refugee camps abroad who have embraced the option of comprehensive resistance to defend their homeland, Jerusalem, Palestinian detainees, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will continue endorsing such an approach until our Palestinian people restore their legitimate rights and achieve their aspirations for freedom and a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.” “Press release on International Quds Day,” Hamas, April 14, 2023,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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