
Qais al-Khazali, AAH leader, October 2016

October 2016
Name of Author
Qais al-Khazali

“With the help of Allah, the liberation of Mosul will set the ground for the State of Divine Justice. Allah willing, the liberation of Mosul will be in vengeance against the slayers of Hussein, because these are the offspring of their forefathers [who killed Hussein].”“Iraqi Shi’ite Militia Leader Qais Khazali: ‘Liberation of Mosul Will Be in Vengeance against the Slayers of Hussein,’” MEMRI TV, March 4, 2017,

Rhetoric Category

Qais al-Khazali, AAH leader, October 2016

October 2016
Name of Author
Qais al-Khazali

“In this day and age, when our youth, in the prime of life, without regard for their own lives, for their families, their children, or their wives, set out for the battlefronts, to fight the filthiest of the creations of Allah, they are fighting out of love for [Imam] Hussein. When they fight, they are killing the enemies of Hussein. The enemies of Hussein are the enemies of the Messenger of Allah. They are the enemies of humanity.”“Iraqi Shi’ite Militia Leader Qais Khazali: ‘Liberation of Mosul Will Be in Vengeance against the Slayers of Hussein,’” MEMRI TV, March 4, 2017,

Rhetoric Category

Hussein al-Houthi, Founder, Date Not Determined

Date Not Determined
Name of Author
Hussein al-Houthi

“Jews know that the Sunnis will not pose any danger to them . . . are the leaders of the Islamic world today not Sunni? Are they not the ones who agreed, who hurried to agree, that America is to lead the world against what is referred to as terrorism?”Barak A. Salmoni, Bryce Loidolt, and Madeleine Wells, Regime and Periphery in Northern Yemen: The Huthi Phenomenon (Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 2010), 120,


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Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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