
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, AQAP ideologue, January 14, 2015

Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

Claiming responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo attacks: “As for the blessed Battle of Paris, we...claim responsibility for this operation as vengeance for the Messenger of God. [The] one who chose the target, laid the plan and financed the operation is the leadership of the organization [sic].”Sami Aboudi, “Al Qaeda claims French attack, derides Paris rally,” Reuters, January 14, 2014, <a http:="""" article="" 2015="" 01="" 14="" us-france-shooting-aqap-iduskbn0kn0vo20150114"="">

Rhetoric Category

Ismail al-Wahwah, Leader of HT Australia, January 2015

January 2015
Name of Author
Ismail al-Wahwah

In response to the Charlie Hebdo attack in France and “pressure” from the West against Islam:
“Woe, time and gain, to all those who point the finger at any pressure when it gets a blast from the Muslims, regardless of size… For the accusation is ready; You justify the explosion, you justify terrorism.”Taylor Auerbach, “Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks a ‘cure,’ says leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia Ismail Alwahwah,” Daily Telegraph (Sydney), January 13, 2015,; Ismail Alwahwah, “Commentary on Charlie Hebdo and the Physical Law of Compression,” Proposition Revival, January 10, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, December 2014

Dec. 2014
Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

Regarding the American hostage Luke Somers: “We give the American government a timeframe of three days from the issuance of this statement to meet our demands about which they are aware; otherwise, the American hostage held by us will meet his inevitable fate.” “U.S. Discloses Failed Attempt to Rescue American in Yemen,” Reuters, December 4, 2014,

Osama Mehmood, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014
Name of Author
Osama Mehmood

In an official AQIS statement released via Twitter:
“The attack on Iraq and Syria is not against a particular group or organization. Instead it’s an attack on [the] entire Ummah [worldwide community of Muslims] aiming to terminate every Islamic and Jihadi movement which aims to stand against the tyranny and believes in the establishment of Shari’ah.”Thomas Joscelyn, “Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent Calls for Jihadist Unity against US-led Coalition,” Long War Journal, November 4, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Mohammed Hamzah Khan, Letter to his parents before his departure, October 2014

Oct. 2014
Name of Author
Mohammed Hamzah Khan

Letter to his parents before his departure:

“We are all witness that the western societies are getting more immoral day by day. I extend an invitation to my family to join me in the Islamic States. True, it is getting bombed, but let us not forget that we didn’t come to this world for comfort.”Kevin Sullivan, “Three American teens, recruited online, are caught trying to join Islamic State,” Washington Post, December 8, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, September 22, 2014

Sep. 22, 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“O Sunnis of Iraq, the time has come for you to learn from the lessons of the past, and to learn that nothing will work with the rāfidah other than slicing their throats and striking their necks. They make themselves out to be helpless so that they can take power, they conceal their hatred, enmity, and rage towards Sunnis, they plot and conspire against them, and they trick and deceive them. They display false affection towards them and flatter them as long as Sunnis are strong.” (A speech titled “Indeed Your Lord is Ever Watchful”)Caleb Weiss, “Islamic State spokesman again threatens West in new speech,” Long War Journal, September 21, 2014,

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, September 22, 2014

Sep. 22, 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“O Americans, and O Europeans, the Islamic State did not initiate a war against you, as your governments and media try to make you believe. It is you who started the transgression against us, and thus you deserve blame and you will pay a great price. You will pay the price when your economies collapse. You will pay the price when your sons are sent to wage war against us and they return to you as disabled amputees, or inside coffins, or mentally ill. You will pay the price as you are afraid of travelling to any land. Rather you will pay the price as you walk on your streets, turning right and left, fearing the Muslims. You will not feel secure even in your bedrooms. You will pay the price when this crusade of yours collapses, and thereafter we will strike you in your homeland, and you will never be able to harm anyone afterwards. You will pay the price, and we have prepared for you what will pain you.” (A speech titled “Indeed Your Lord is Ever Watchful”)Caleb Weiss, “Islamic State spokesman again threatens West in new speech,” Long War Journal, September 21, 2014,


Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, September 22, 2014

Sep. 22, 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“And O Obama, O mule of the jews. You are vile. You are vile. You are vile. And you will be disappointed, Obama. Is this all you were capable of doing in this campaign of yours? Is this how far America has reached of incapacity and weakness? Are America and all its allies from amongst the crusaders and atheists unable to come down to the ground? Have you not realized – O crusaders – that proxy wars have not availed you nor will they ever avail you? Have you not realized, O mule of the jews, that the battle cannot be decided from the air at all? Or do you think that you are smarter than Bush, your obeyed fool, when he brought the armies of the cross and placed them under the fire of the mujahidin on the ground? No, you are more foolish than him.” (A speech titled “Indeed Your Lord is Ever Watchful”)Caleb Weiss, “Islamic State spokesman again threatens West in new speech,” Long War Journal, September 21, 2014,

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, September 22, 2014

Sep. 22, 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“And so we promise you by Allah’s permission that this campaign will be your final campaign. It will be broken and defeated, just as all your previous campaigns were broken and defeated, except that this time we will raid you thereafter, and you will never raid us. We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted. This is His promise to us; He is glorified and He does not fail in His promise. If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.” (A speech titled “Indeed Your Lord is Ever Watchful”)Caleb Weiss, “Islamic State spokesman again threatens West in new speech,” Long War Journal, September 21, 2014,

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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