
Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, June 29, 2014

Jun. 29, 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“Here the flag of the Islamic State, the flag of tawhid [monotheism] rises and flutters. Its shade covers land from Aleppo to Diyala. Beneath it, the walls of the tawaghit [tyrants] have been demolished, their flags have fallen, and their borders have been destroyed. Their soldiers are either killed, imprisoned, or defeated. The Muslims are honored. The kuffar [unbelievers]... are disgraced. Ahl Al-Sunna [Sunnis] are masters and are esteemed. The people of bid’ah [forbidden religious innovation]... are humiliated. The hudud [Koranic punishment] are implemented... Crosses and graves are demolished… Jizya [the poll tax levied on non-Muslims living in Muslim lands] has been enforced… Courts have been established to resolve disputes and complaints. Evil has been removed.” (Declaring an Islamic caliphate)“ISIS Declares Islamic Caliphate, Appoints Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi As 'Caliph', Declares All Muslims Must Pledge Allegiance To Him,” The Middle East Media Research Institute, June 30, 2014,


Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, June 29, 2014

Jun. 29, 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“By Allah, if you disbelieve in democracy, secularism, nationalism, as well as all the other garbage and ideas from the west, and rush to your religion and creed, then by Allah, you will own the earth, and the east and west will submit to you. This is the promise of Allah to you.” (Declaring an Islamic caliphate)“ISIS Declares Islamic Caliphate, Appoints Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi As 'Caliph', Decla Research Institute, June 30, 2014,


Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, June 29, 2014

Jun. 29, 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“[K]now that one of the biggest factors that brought about this victory that Allah...has blessed you with is your support of each other, the absence of disagreement, your listening to and obedience of your leaders, and your patience with them. So keep this factor in mind and preserve it. Unite with each other and do not disagree with each other. Accept each other and do not argue with each other. Be very wary of breaking the ranks... And if anyone wants to break the ranks, split his head with bullets and empty its insides, whoever he may be...” (Declaring an Islamic caliphate) “ISIS Declares Islamic Caliphate, Appoints Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi As 'Caliph', Declares All Muslims Must Pledge Allegiance To Him,” The Middle East Media Research Institute, June 30, 2014,


Abu Ayman al-Iraqi, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Ayman al-Iraqi

Accusing his Syrian rebel enemy of working with the West: “I am not saying that you have no relation to the revolution, but I am saying that you people have [foreign] friends, and you go to Turkey and sit there and listen to things that make God angry. You sit with godless and faithless people, and strange things occur.” (From a phone call between al-Iraqi and his enemy, a Syrian rebel commander) Mike Giglio, “A Late-Night Phone Call Between One of Syria’s Top Extremists And His Sworn Enemy,” BuzzFeed News, April 3, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“…It is time that you disbelieve in democracy which will not bring better than what it has brought upon you in the past lean years. It will bring nothing upon you but shame and disgrace. It is time for you to know that democracy is nothing but a tool and method by which the Ṭawāghīt (tyrants) are empowered and by which they wage war upon the Religion of Allah. It is time that you reject your treacherous politicians, who have only been working for their own personal and private benefits, the ones who through voting for them, you gained nothing but humiliation, degradation and oppression.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī: ‘He Will Surely Establish For Them [Therein] Their Religion Which He Has Preferred For Them,’” Jihadology, last modified April 19, 2014,


Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“America came to Iraq leading a frenzied crusade, in its sleeve a new map of what they call the ‘Middle East.’ It came with all its forcefulness and all of its iron (weaponry), with all of its pride and all of its arrogance. It gathered all of its allies and mobilised all of its aircraft and its fleets, and it brought its horses and its soldiers. The Crusaders thought that no one would be able to overcome them; however Allah the Mighty and Majestic disgraced them and showed us the weakness of their plot.” Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī: ‘He Will Surely Establish For Them [Therein] Their Religion Which He Has Preferred For Them,’” Jihadology, last modified April 19, 2014,


Abu Ayman al-Iraqi, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Ayman al-Iraqi

“I might get hit by a mortar and be killed, and you might live longer than me, but remember my words. They [the West] will use you, and they will unite you with Bashar’s army, and with an interim government, and they will promise you seats in parliament, and such things — the same as they did with the Sunnis in Iraq. The West will sell you cheap. They sold your grandfathers and our grandfathers. And for hundreds of years the West has been controlling us, and they keep these tyrants over our heads. As if it were us who committed the al-Houla massacre, or did the chemical weapons attack, or raped the women in Bashar’s prisons. You forgot about Bashar, and now you came to fight us in earnest, and in the end, you and the [Alawites] will hug each other. You serve this project without knowing. Your army and Bashar’s army will unify to ‘counter terrorism’ — which is us. You will kill us and we will kill you. We have no other options — either you cleanse us or we cleanse you, because the decision is not yours.” (From a phone call between al-Iraqi and his enemy, a Syrian rebel commander) Mike Giglio, “A Late-Night Phone Call Between One of Syria’s Top Extremists And His Sworn Enemy,” BuzzFeed News, April 3, 2014,

Abu Ayman al-Iraqi, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Ayman al-Iraqi

Asserting that Syrian rebels are American agents: “The West has understood the game. They won’t send anyone whose name is William or Benjamin. They’ll send people named Ahmed and Mohamed and Abdullah. The American soldier is expensive, so they will use people from among us — and this is the truth of the battle, they will use you — in the fight against us.” (From a phone call between al-Iraqi and his enemy, a Syrian rebel commander) Mike Giglio, “A Late-Night Phone Call Between One of Syria’s Top Extremists And His Sworn Enemy,” BuzzFeed News, April 3, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Ibrahim al-Rubaish, Senior AQAP Cleric, Spring 2014

Spring 2014
Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Rubaish

“And if he does not find any, he will wage Jihad alone wherever he is. Thereupon, America will not only fear the Afghani soldiers, but she will also be haunted by fear wherever her interests are. She will also fear the homegrown Muslims, and even American reverts. Everyone of those will be considered a time bomb which may blow up anytime, during a soccer game, a car race, or in a club.”Ibrahim Ar-Rubaysh, “The Crusade and the Swap of Stances,” Inspire 12 (2014): 26.

Nasir al-Wuhayshi, former leader, March 2014

Name of Author
Nasir al-Wuhayshi

“O brothers, the Crusader enemy is still shuffling his papers, so we must remember that we are always fighting the biggest enemy, the leaders of disbelief, and we have to overthrow those leaders, we have to remove the Cross, and the carrier of the Cross is America…”Thomas Joscelyn, “Al-Qaeda’s General Manager Threatens America in Video of Large Gathering,” Long War Journal, April 17, 2014,

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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