
Ibrahim al-Rubaish, Senior AQAP Cleric, Spring 2014

Spring 2014
Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Rubaish

“With time Al-Qaeda may disappear. Not that Jihad has ceased, but the whole Ummah will be waging Jihad. Every Muslim will see that it is his obligation to fight with all his power against America. Just like when he hears the adhan [Islamic call to prayer] he makes wudhu (preparation for formal prayers) and goes to the nearest Jama’ah [group of worshippers], if he does not find Jama’ah he prays alone wherever he is. The same way when he hears the call of Jihad against America, he will strive to answer it by joining the nearest Jihadi group.”Ibrahim Ar-Rubaysh, “The Crusade and the Swap of Stances,” Inspire 12 (2014): 26.

Ibrahim al-Rubaish, Senior AQAP Cleric, Spring 2014

Spring 2014
Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Rubaish

“The unmanned drones propel the Jihad against the crusaders. They make the issue clearer to Muslims. They drive them to take on the path of Jihad. While Obama thinks he is killing Al-Qaeda, he is actually building an army which he will fight against eventually.”Ibrahim Ar-Rubaysh, “The Crusade and the Swap of Stances,” Inspire 12 (2014): 26.

AAH statement, September 6, 2013

Sep. 6, 2013
Name of Author

“[Action against Syria] will set the region on fire. The interests of the Western countries will not be saved from this fire.”“State Dept. orders personnel to leave Lebanon, Turkey,” Al Jazeera, September 6, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Mokhtar Belmokhtar, August 22, 2013

Aug. 22, 2013
Name of Author
Mokhtar Belmokhtar

“We say to France and its allies in the region ... the Mujahideen have met and agreed to defeat your armies and destroy your plans and projects.”“Sahara jihadist groups merge, threaten French interests – report,” Reuters, August 22, 2013,

Ali Khamenei, May 11, 2013

May 11, 2013
Name of Author
Ali Khamenei

“Today, a number of western intellectuals feel that they are in danger on the issue of women. Issues such as homosexuality result from such an outlook. This outlook is, definitely, one of the factors which will lead to the fall of western civilization.”“Supreme Leader Meets with Outstanding Women,” The Office of the Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei, May 22, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Qasim al-Raymi, Emir (leader) of AQAP, Spring 2013

Spring 2013
Name of Author
Qasim al-Raymi

“The two-decade war has not laid down its burden, rather it is at its peak. The war between you [America] and us has not ceased, we suffer hardships and you suffer too, we are killed as you are killed but we have a hope from Allah (for the reward, i.e. Paradise) that for which you hope not…”Qasim Al-Raymi, “Message to the American Nation,” Inspire, 11 (2013): 8-9.

Ibrahim al-Rubaish, Senior Cleric, Winter 2012

Winter 2012
Name of Author
Ibrahim al-Rubaish

America wanted to deceive its nation by portraying its war as a war against particular individuals so with death of individuals war will ended [sic]. In that way America’s administration feel[s] some sort of victory by killing certain individuals. Just like what happened when they killed Shaykh Usama Bin Laden… Those miserable people haven’t yet realized that their war is waged against a nation that has principles and fundamentals. These principles gain life in the Muslims’ heart when their supporters are martyred for their sake. The clearest of evidence is the long list of the martyred mujahideen that hasn’t weaken [sic] jihad. Instead, jihad operations often increase. Shaykh Osama Bin Laden was killed, but did the war against America cease?Ibrahim al-Rubaish, “Inspire Continues to Inspire,” Inspire 9 (2012): 6.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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