
Hamas statement, May 31, 2023

May 31, 2023

Statement condemning a planned Israeli gay pride parade in Jerusalem:

“We, the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, strongly condemn the fascist occupation authorities for allowing the organization of a provocative march for ‘perverts,’ which is scheduled to roam the streets of occupied Jerusalem on Thursday. We call on the masses of our stationed Palestinian people to confront these measures in defense of the Arabism of Jerusalem and the Islamism of Al-Aqsa Mosque. We also call on the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to condemn these violations and put pressure on the occupation in international forums to stop them, and to strengthen the boycott of the occupation at all levels.” “Hamas condemns Jerusalem Pride march, calls for confrontation,” Jerusalem Post, May 31, 2023,

Rhetoric Category

NRM Website, June 2017

June 2017
Name of Author
NRM Website

“The homolobby promotes popular enemy decadence and anti-culture, which helps to undermine and dissolve the natural structures of society. Thus, the very premise of a further existence for our people.”Redaksjonen, “Alt du trenger å vite om demonstrasjonen i Fredrikstad!,” Frihetskamp, June 6, 2017,

Rhetoric Category

Anwar al-Awlaki February 14, 2011 (Duplicate Quote for Leader Report Only)

Feb. 14, 2011
Name of Author
Anwar al-Awlaki

“The U.S.'s open corruption takes place at the highest level—that is, [at the level of] the president of the U.S. himself, who has approved a law permitting homosexuals to join the military, a matter that demonstrates the level of degeneration to which this people has sunk.”Steven Stalinsky, “American-Yemeni Al-Qaeda Cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki Highlights the Role and Importance of Media Jihad, Praises Al-Jazeera TV Journalists and WikiLeaks,” Middle East Media Research Institute, March 15, 2011,

Rhetoric Category

Roberto Fiore, Forza Nuova Leader, March 16, 2015

Mar. 16, 2015
Name of Author
Roberto Fiore

“The theory of gender [fluidity and homosexuality] is like ISIS, because it threatens society and is an attack on our identity. In a difficult moment we should reinstate the true values, while the gay propaganda boosts the already worrisome decrease of the Italian demographic.”Micol Sarfatti, “Roberto Fiore (Forza Nuova) in Regione Lombardia: ‘La teoria gender è come l’Isis,’” Huffington Post Italy, March 17, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Ubayda Yousif al-Annabi, May 2013

Name of Author
Abu Ubayda Yousif al-Annabi

“Ironically when it began it began its invasion of north Mali to end the rule of the Islamic Sharia under the claim that it is harsh and inhuman… at this time the French parliament was gathered to discuss the law of disgrace, fire and shame, the law of same sex marriage which will remain a disgraceful stain in the forehead of humanity as a whole…”“The English Translation of the audio speech for sheikh Abu Ubayda Yousif Al-Annabi Entitled War on Mali,”, May 2013, See Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Andalus Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s Shaykh Abū ‘Ubaydah Yūsuf al ‘Anābī: ‘The War on Mali,’” Jihadology, May 7, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Ubayda Yousif al-Annabi, May 2013

Name of Author
Abu Ubayda Yousif al-Annabi

“[A]fter two days of intensive discussions [on the topic of gay marriage] the supporters of immorality… pass[ed] this dirty project with a disgraceful majority may Allah fight them.”“The English Translation of the audio speech for sheikh Abu Ubayda Yousif Al-Annabi Entitled War on Mali,” Fursan Al-Balagh Media Translation Department, May 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Ubayda Yousif al-Annabi, May 2013

Name of Author
Abu Ubayda Yousif al-Annabi

“The advocates of this grave deviation who declared war against Allah and all His messengers and violated the Quran and even the Torah and Bible by this disgraceful law [law of same sex marriage in France] are the same advocates of this crusade that was launched against our Muslim people in Mali unjustly and aggressively to force them to leave the pure Sharia of their Lord and make them follow their madness and rebellion against the religions, minds and nature, what they are calling to is a great vice which the heavens may almost be rent thereat, and the earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in pieces, it wasn’t legalized by anyone neither in the dark ages and first Jahiliya or the medieval ages or even the people of Lot who were destroyed by Allah for practicing that immorality and destroyed their village by turning it upside down and rained on them stones of baked clay.”“The English Translation of the audio speech for sheikh Abu Ubayda Yousif Al-Annabi Entitled War on Mali,” Fursan Al-Balagh Media Translation Department, May 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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