
HT Malaysia statement, May 2015

May 2015
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HT Malaysia statement

“If the people are suffering in Malaysia, it is because Umno is not applying the doctrines of Islam. If Umno leaders are rich while the people are poverty-stricken, it is because Umno is not applying the Islamic doctrine. If there is a high incidence of crime and immoral acts in Malaysia, it is because Umno is not applying the Islamic doctrine.”“Hizbut Tahrir: Umno has failed because it rejected Islam,” FMT News (Malaysia), May 5, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the IRGC, April 27, 2015

Apr. 27, 2015
Name of Author
Mohammad Ali Jafari

“The final cause and goal of the Islamic Revolution is creating an Islamic civilization. And we do our best to develop in the path of creating Islamic civilization.”Thomas Erdbrink, “Iranian General Says Saudi Arabia Will Soon Be Toppled,” New York Times, April 27, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Haleema, YouTube video, “Sharia over your noses,” March 31, 2015

Mar. 31, 2015
Name of Author
Abu Haleema

YouTube video, “Sharia over your noses”

“My message to you, my brothers and sisters: this propaganda war, play your part… call for the sharia wherever you are. Reject these people that reject the sharia…make takfir [excommunication] on them. Anyone who rejects the sharia, tell them that they’re not Muslim anymore… your role is to work for Islam.”“Sharia over your noses @AbuHaleema16,” YouTube video, 2:35, posted by “Abu Haleema,” March 31, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Haleema, YouTube video, “Sharia over your noses,” March 31, 2015

Mar. 31, 2015
Name of Author
Abu Haleema

YouTube video, “Sharia over your noses”

“And as for these taghut [rejecter of Islam, i.e. secular government] rulers, and these taghut scholars, over their noses you’re going to see this sharia established. Whether they like it or not. The sharia is coming.”“Sharia over your noses @AbuHaleema16,” YouTube video, 2:35, posted by “Abu Haleema,” March 31, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Captions on photos of ASL militants in a Benghazi training camp, March 19, 2015

Mar. 19, 2015
Name of Author
ASL militants

“This is the latest class of the protectors of the Shariah and the opposers of injustice graduating from the mujahideen training camps to join their brothers in the battlefronts in order to complete the journey of jihad.”Bill Roggio, “Ansar al Sharia in Libya releases photos of graduates from its ‘mujahideen training camps,’” Long War Journal, March 19, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi (Interview with Al Jazeera, on an ‘Islamic Nation’, July 5, 2005)

Jul. 5, 2005
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi

“My project is to bring back to the Islamic Nation its glories and to establish the Islamic state that provides refuge to every Muslim, and this is a grand and large project that does not come by small vengeful acts. It requires the education of a Muslim generation, it requires longterm planning, it requires the participation of all the learned men and songs of this Islamic nation.” Nibras Kazimi, “A Virulent Ideology in Mutation: Zarqawi Upstages Maqdisi,” Hudson Institute, September 12, 2005,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Ubayda Yousif al-Annabi, May 2013

Name of Author
Abu Ubayda Yousif al-Annabi

“As for the Islamic Sharia which because of it France invaded us Insha’Allah it will return to prevail on the land of Mali because the feeling of our people there of belonging to Islam is rooted in its conscience that cannot be destabilized by a force or army, especially when this army consists of homosexuals like the French army…”“The English Translation of the audio speech for sheikh Abu Ubayda Yousif Al-Annabi Entitled War on Mali,”, May 2013, See Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Andalus Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s Shaykh Abū ‘Ubaydah Yūsuf al ‘Anābī: ‘The War on Mali,’” Jihadology, May 7, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Abdul Ilah Ahmed, Head of AQIM Media, April 15, 2013

Name of Author
Abu Abdul Ilah Ahmed

“The liberation of Al-Quds is the project of our Muslim Ummah as a whole and not the project of Qaedat Al-Jihad alone and it is a project of Qaedat Al-Jihad as have been expressed in its literature and speeches of its leaders, but there are many obstacles that prevent us from reaching our brothers in Bayt Al-Maqdis and the environs of Bayt Al-Maqdis. we ask Allah to remove it and facilitate our arrival to beloved Palestine, but the Ummah gathering around its sons the mujahidin in all the fronts can achieve these miracles Allah willing.”Casey Britton, “AQIM: Answers to Open Meeting with Sheikh Abu Abdul Ilah Ahmad,”, April 19, 2013,

Abu Abdul Ilah Ahmed, Head of AQIM Media, April 15, 2013

Name of Author
Abu Abdul Ilah Ahmed

“We [AQIM and Islamist political movements in the countries of the Arab Spring] cooperate in liberation of the Muslim lands and implementation of the Sharia..,Casey Britton, “AQIM: Answers to Open Meeting with Sheikh Abu Abdul Ilah Ahmad,”, April 19, 2013,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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