
Abu Sulayman, May 8, 2015

May 8, 2015
Name of Author
Abu Sulayman

“Jihad is not in need of us, we are in dire need of jihad.”Mark Schliebs, “Top Aussie terrorist warns of ‘perpetual war’ on Twitter,” Australian (Surry Hills), May 14, 2015,

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Asim Omar, October 2014

October 2014
Name of Author
Asim Omar

In al-Qaeda’s Resurgance magazine:
“We have little doubt that, sooner or later, the Muslims of India too will come to the realization that their future is inextricably linked to the success of the Afghan Jihad [Taliban and al-Qaeda].”Thomas Joscelyn, “Analysis: Al Qaeda’s ‘Resurgence’ focuses on Indian Subcontinent,” Long War Journal, October 23, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Asim Omar, AQIS video, May 3, 2015

May 3, 2015
Name of Author
Asim Omar

In reference to the attacks in Paris and Copenhagen in early 2015 and the murder of secular bloggers in Bangladesh and Pakistan:
“[Blasphemers have been] taught a lesson in France, Denmark, Pakistan and now in Bangladesh.”Jason Burke, “South Asia al-Qaida group video claims responsibility for blogger murders,” Guardian (London), May 3, 2015,

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Asim Omar, AQIS video, May 3, 2015

May 3, 2015
Name of Author
Asim Omar

“Where are those who would kill these blasphemers, wherever they may be found, even if it has to be done using a dagger or a knife, and by doing so record their names on the Day of Judgment among the devotees of the prophet?”Ellen Barry, “Al Qaeda Branch Claims Responsibility for Bangladeshi Blogger’s Killing,” New York Times, May 3, 2015,

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Asim Omar, AQIS video, May 3, 2015

May 3, 2015
Name of Author
Asim Omar

Claiming responsibility for the murder of numerous secular bloggers and professors:
These assassinations are part of a series of operations initiated by the different branches of al-Qaida on the directions of our respected leader Shaykh Ayman al-Zawahiri and it is equally part of our commitment to fulfill the oath of Sheikh Osama [bin Laden].”Ellen Barry, “Al Qaeda Branch Claims Responsibility for Bangladeshi Blogger’s Killing,” New York Times, May 3, 2015,

Abu Qatada, May 2015

May 2015
Name of Author
Abu Qatada

“The act of jihad is what can help us reach our goals and defeat the circles of apostasy.”Ali Hashem, “Al-Qaeda theorist calls for infiltrating political systems,” Al-Monitor, May 29, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Sulayman, May 2015

May 2015
Name of Author
Abu Sulayman

“I do believe that our affiliation with a global jihad (al-Qa’ida) is more positive than negative.”Mark Schliebs, “Top Aussie Terrorist Warns of ‘Perpetual War’ on Twitter,” Australian (Surry Hills), May 14, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, April 6, 2012

April 6, 2012
Name of Author
Hafiz Muhammad Saeed

Preaching the Friday sermon at Jamia Markaz al-Qadsia mosque:
“This is the same jihad which caused the USSR to break [in Afghanistan] and now America is failing because of it. Analysts and journalists don’t realize why America is failing, the only reason is jihad.”Bill Roggio, “We do jihad,’ says Lashkar-e-Taiba emir Hafiz Saeed,” The Long War Journal, April 7th, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, ISIS spokesman, April 2014


“Yes, verily the plot of Shayṭān is weak. America came to Iraq leading a frenzied crusade, in its sleeve a new map of what they call the ‘Middle East.’ It came with all its forcefulness and all of its iron (weaponry), with all of its pride and all of its arrogance. It gathered all of its allies and mobilised all of its aircraft and its fleets, and it brought its horses and its soldiers. The Crusaders thought that no one would be able to overcome them; however Allah the Mighty and Majestic disgraced them and showed us the weakness of their plot. The flame of Jihad was stoked, the Crusade campaign was broken and the Islamic State was established in spite of the villains, and America was expelled (from Iraq) disgraced and driven away, dragging their tails between their legs, defeated and broken, leaving in its wake a map of the Islamic State, ready to redraw the world upon the Prophetic manhaj (way) methodology of the [caliphate]. So verily, the [Islamic] State, with the favour of Allah alone, becomes stronger day after day. Its authority has not ceased since it was founded, by the favour of Allah, and its conquests shall not cease, with the permission of Allah, until the cross is smashed, the swine is killed and the Jizyah (tax for people of the book) is imposed, and there will be no fitnah (tribulation) on Earth and the Rule shall be for Allah alone completely.

“And so [Sunni Muslims] in Iraq, verily you should know the truth, and it is that there is no coexistence or peace with the Rawāfiḍ (Shiite Muslims.) You have seen the truth of this matter in the squares of Hawijah, in the mosques of Baʿqūbah, in the market places of Mosul and

Samarrā', in the villages of Laṭīfiyyah, in the neighbourhoods of Buhriz, Ramādī and Fallūjah, and what follows is more disastrous and more bitter. It is time that you be aware [sic] that the polytheist Rāfiḍah are the most evil to tread upon this earth, more evil than the Jews and the Crusaders. It is time that you disbelieve in democracy which will not bring better than what it has brought upon you in the past lean years. It will bring nothing upon you but shame and disgrace. It is time for you to know that democracy is nothing but a tool and method by which the Ṭawāghīt (tyrants) are empowered and by which they wage war upon the Religion of Allah. It is time that you reject your treacherous politicians, who have only been working for their own personal and private benefits, the ones who through voting for them, you gained nothing but humiliation, degradation and oppression.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī: ‘He Will Surely Establish For Them [Therein] Their Religion Which He Has Preferred For Them,’” Jihadology, last modified April 19, 2014,


Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, January 2015

Jan. 2015
Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

“There is no doubt that immigration is better than living under the rule of the disbelievers, but one should take into consideration the matter of affliction. Meaning, is it more afflicting for an individual to wage individual jihad in a Western country in which he resides than immigrating for jihad to fight on one of the front lines?”“Al-Qaeda Calls for Lone Wolf Attacks in Canada,” Stewart Bell, Leader-Post, January 21, 2015,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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