
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Leader and Founder of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, September 11, 2004

Name of Author
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

“My nation, the nation of the sword and the pen, why is it that your sword is now broken and your pen has been laid down? You used to be prouder than the stars, and you have now become downtrodden under the feet of the invaders and under the hooves of the usurpers' horses. My dear nation - my words to you today are laden with sorrow. Don't you hear the serpents' hissing as they wind their way in the darkness of your apathy in order to assassinate your dawn? … Let me tell you about our state of affairs, for we are at a turning point, so that you may understand the right course and combine forces, lest we regret, and this is no time for regrets. Both those who are far away and those who are near acknowledge the truth of the tri-partite Satanic coalition of heresy and deceit in the land of the two rivers. The first are the Americans who carry the banner of the cross; the second are the Kurds through their pashmerga forces… which are reinforced by Jewish military cadres; the third are the Shi’ites, the Sunnis’ enemies...”

“[The mujahideen] are the ones who made the international coalition drink the draught of humiliation, and they have struck them blows that will not quickly be forgotten, and they have taught them lessons which are still seared on their skin, and they are still convulsing from the pains of these lessons - lessons which lowered their flags to half-mast and shook their feet and confused their thoughts until fright wormed its way into their joints, and the worm of despair bored into their bones. It could not be otherwise, for our heroes massacred them, to the point where they saw the cowardice of the American soldier.”

“O young Islamic man in Iraq and in all Muslim countries, you who are perplexed and seeking life, you who yearn to come to the aid of the religion of Allah, you who offer your life to your Lord, here is guidance to the right path, here is wisdom and probity, here is the ecstasy of self-sacrifice and the pleasure of Jihad…”

“As for you, fighters who came from afar, by Allah, missions of da'wa [the propagation of Islam] have never been a road lined with roses and sweet basil; the price of da'wa missions is heavy, and the price of bringing principles to the land of reality is a lot of torn limbs and blood. The light of dawn shall not be lit in this darkness save by Jihad fighters and shahids (martyrs).“Al-Zarqawi’s Message to the Fighters of Jihad in Iraq on September 11, 2004,” The Middle East Media Research Institute, September 15, 2004,


Al-Dabiq, ISIS magazine, Issue 3, date unknown

Name of Author

“May Allah grant success to the lions of the Islamic State and continue to disgrace and humiliate the ­lthy Ra­dah and their allies.”al-Ḥayāt Media Center presents a new issue of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s magazine: “Islamic State Report #3,″ Jihadology,

Rhetoric Category

Al-Nusra Front Media Wing, January 2015

Name of Author
The Nusra Front Media Wing

“As a result of the deterioration of security in Lebanon, you will hear about surprises regarding the fate of the prisoners with us.”“Lebanese soldiers after prison raid: Twitter account,” Reuters, January 12, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Al-Nusra Front Statement, August 3, 2012

Name of Author
The Nusra Front

“Perhaps this operation [kidnapping and killing of Syrian state television presenter Mohammed al-Saeed] and others will serve as an example to all who support this tyrannical regime, so that they may repent to God. Otherwise, the swords of the mujahideen will cut off their heads and purify the Levant (Syria) from their obscenity.”“Militant Group Claims Kidnap, Killing of Syrian TV Presenter,” Reuters, August 5, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Al-Nusra Front Statement, June 30, 2012

Name of Author
The Nusra Front

“Let no one condemn us for this operation [attack at Syrian state television building, killing seven] and say it is not proper to attack the media or media people, especially since we had already presented that this lying channel fights and may be even more effective than military power, and it was the one that was glorifying the tyrant day and night.”“Militant Group Claims Syrian TV Channel Attack,” Reuters, July 4, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Al-Nusra Front Statement, June 2012

Name of Author
The Nusra Front

“God enabled the lions of the east in Deir al-Zor... to get the necks of a group of dogs from the security agencies and the thugs. Thirteen of those criminals were detained ... each of them faced his end in the worst killing and the very worst fate.”“Militant Group Claims Killing of 13 in Syria,” Reuters, June 5, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Adnan, al-Nusra Front Shariah Law Official, Date Unknown

Name of Author
Abu Adnan

“We detained them [unarmed regime loyalists], lined them up and killed them. They were fighters fighting us.”Rania Abouzeid, “Interview with Official of Jabhat al-Nusra, Syria’s Islamist Militia Group,” Time, December 25, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, AQAP Official, January 2015

Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

“If he is capable to wage individual jihad in the Western countries that fight Islam... then that is better and more harmful… We have made efforts in external work, and the enemy knows the danger of that... We are preparing and lurking for the enemies of Allah. We incite the believers to do that.”“Yemen's Al Qaeda Renews Calls for Lone-Wolf Attacks in West,” Reuters, January 21, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, AQAP Official, January 2015

Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

“We have made efforts in external work, and the enemy knows the danger of that... We are preparing and lurking for the enemies of Allah. We incite the believers to do that.”“Yemen's Al Qaeda Renews Calls for Lone-Wolf Attacks in West,” Reuters, January 21, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi, AQAP official, December 2014

Name of Author
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi

Regarding the American hostage Luke Somers: “We give the American government a timeframe of three days from the issuance of this statement to meet our demands about which they are aware; otherwise, the American hostage held by us will meet his inevitable fate.”“U.S. Discloses Failed Attempt to Rescue American in Yemen,” Reuters, December 4, 2014,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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