
AQAP statement on ISIS, October 17, 2014

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“We are behind our brothers [ISIS] against this international crusade and we join them in their enmity against this campaign. We confirm the call to whoever is able to hurt the Americans to make an effort to hurt them militarily, economically and through the media. They are the leaders of this war and the base of this campaign.”“Yemen’s Al Qaeda Expresses Support for Islamic State Against ‘Crusade,’” Reuters, October 17, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

AQAP statement calling for attacks on Houthi rebels, October 2, 2014

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“Do not leave a checkpoint for them that you do not strike, nor a headquarters that you do not bomb. Lie in wait for them, cause harm to them on the roads, tighten the ambushes for them, and do not let them feel safe.”“Gulf Arabs Demand Return of State Authority in Yemen,” Reuters, October 2, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

AQAP statement on execution of three suspected U.S. spies, September 1, 2014

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“The greatest help they give to the crusaders against the holy warriors is the placing of trackers for American spy planes.”Reuters, “Al Qaeda in Yemen Executes Three ‘Spies’ for Guiding Drone Strikes,” Reuters, September 1, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Adil al-Abab, Former Chief Religious Cleric, Winter 2010

Name of Author
Adil al-Abab

“So now when we look at the state of the Americans and Europeans, we see that they are in a state of war with us because of their participation in elections that choose governments that wage war against Muslims. They are in a state of war with us because their governments kill our brothers in Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq. These governments fight those who want to establish shari‘ah law. Thus we target them because they are disbelievers and because of their war against us. They are in a state of war with us and they are not in a state of covenant since their governments have not seized their aggression against Muslims. We cannot call them ahl adh-dhimma (people of dhimma) because they do not fulfill the requirements of the dhimma status (rights of residence for non-Muslims under sharia law, when jizya tax is paid). Based on what is mentioned above, it is legitimate to target the people of the West and we have no doubts about its legitimacy.” “Q&A with Shaykh Adil al-Abbab,” Inspire Magazine 4 (2010): 21.

Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman, January 31, 2015

Jan. 31, 2015
Name of Author
Sami Abu Zuhri

Hamas statement in response to an Egyptian court decision banning the Qassam Brigades:

“We reject the Egyptian court's decision against Qassam Brigades. It is a political, dangerous decision that serves only the Zionist occupation.”Michael Georgy, “Egyptian court bans Hamas’ armed wing, lists it as terrorist organization,” Reuters, January 31, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, January 30, 2015

Jan. 30, 2015
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“The resistance no longer cares about rules of engagement, and we do not recognize them in confronting the enemy. We have the right to confront the enemy at any time, place or manner.”“Hezbollah, Israel claim victory, reset deterrence,” Al-Monitor, February 1, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Naim Qassem, Deputy Leader, January 25, 2015

Jan. 25, 2015
Name of Author
Naim Qassem

“It is a Zionist attempt to lay the foundation for a new [military] equation in the framework of our struggle with them and achieve by these [January 18, 2015] strikes what they could not achieve in war… But Israel is too weak to be able to draw new steps or new rules… We will continue our jihad and we will be where we should be without [allowing] anything to stand in our way.”Mariam Karouny, “Hezbollah says Israel wants to set 'new rules' with Syria raid,” Reuters, January 25, 2015,


Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, January 15, 2015

Jan. 15, 2015
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“[Retaliation] is an open issue... It is not only Syria's right to respond but also it is the right of the axis of resistance to respond. When this right will be executed is subject to certain criteria... it could happen any time.”“Hezbollah Says Assad’s Allies Have Right to Respond to Israeli Attacks in Syria,” Reuters, January 15, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, January 15, 2015

Jan. 15, 2015
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“If the Israelis think that the resistance is weakened or exhausted ...then they are mistaken.”“Hezbollah Says Assad’s Allies Have Right to Respond to Israeli Attacks in Syria,” Reuters, January 15, 2015,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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