
Hossein Salami, deputy commander of the IRGC, May 31, 2014

Name of Author
Hossein Salami

The IRGC “stands atop the world, given its hundreds of martyrdom-seeking battalions and hundreds of highly trained combat battalions.”Ariel Ben Solomon, “Iranian Commander Says Readying Launch of Air Defense System More Advanced than Russian S-300,” Jerusalem Post, June 1, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Abubakar Shekau, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014
Name of Author
Abubakar Shekau

“I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah. I will sell them off and marry them off.”Aminu Abubakar, Josh Levs, “'I will sell them,' Boko Haram leader says of kidnapped Nigerian girls,” CNN, May 6, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Ramadan Shallah, PIJ secretary-general, May 2014

May 2014
Name of Author
Ramadan Abdullah Shallah

“In the past two decades, Iran has had an outstanding stance on Palestine, Israel and the resistance.” Ibrahim Humeidi, “Islamic Jihad Leader Discusses Iran, Reconcilitation,” Al-Monitor, May 22, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, May 2014

May 2014
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“This is one of the Israeli enemy’s concerns. It looks at Syria and Iran … and sees that they are giving all the help they can to the resistance.”“Hezbollah Can Still Deter Israel, Terror Chief Warns,” AFP, May 25, 2014, accessed August 4, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Qais al-Khazali, AAH leader, April 25, 2014

Apr. 25, 2014
Name of Author
Qais al-Khazali

“To those that are defending Iraq in Syria, because they are fighting there the enemies of Iraq, I tell you all. [C]ongratulations for having the honor to fight there. Congratulations for making history.”Sheha Shankar, “Bomb Explodes At An Election Rally For Asaib Ahl al-Haq Group In Baghdad, Iraq, Kills 33 people,” International Business Times, April 26, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Hassan Nasrallah

“Yes, the explosion in the Shebaa Farms that Hezbollah has not claimed until now was the work of the resistance, which means the work of Hezbollah.”Agence France-Presse, “Hezbollah Chief Admits Group Targeted Israeli Patrol,” Times of Israel, April 7, 2014, accessed August 4, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Mohammed al-Adnani

“The flame of Jihad was stoked, the Crusade campaign was broken and the Islamic State was established in spite of the villains, and America was expelled (from Iraq) disgraced and driven away, dragging their tails between their legs, defeated and broken, leaving in its wake a map of the Islamic State, ready to redraw the world upon the Prophetic manhaj (way) methodology of the [caliphate]. So verily, the [Islamic] State, with the favour of Allah alone, becomes stronger day after day. Its authority has not ceased since it was founded, by the favour of Allah, and its conquests shall not cease, with the permission of Allah, until the cross is smashed, the swine is killed and the Jizyah (tax for people of the book) is imposed, and there will be no fitnah (tribulation) on Earth and the Rule shall be for Allah alone completely.”Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī: ‘He Will Surely Establish For Them [Therein] Their Religion Which He Has Preferred For Them,’” Jihadology, last modified April 19, 2014,


Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Muhammad al-Adnani

“America came to Iraq leading a frenzied crusade, in its sleeve a new map of what they call the ‘Middle East.’ It came with all its forcefulness and all of its iron (weaponry), with all of its pride and all of its arrogance. It gathered all of its allies and mobilised all of its aircraft and its fleets, and it brought its horses and its soldiers. The Crusaders thought that no one would be able to overcome them; however Allah the Mighty and Majestic disgraced them and showed us the weakness of their plot.” Aaron Y. Zelin, “al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām’s Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al ‘Adnānī al-Shāmī: ‘He Will Surely Establish For Them [Therein] Their Religion Which He Has Preferred For Them,’” Jihadology, last modified April 19, 2014,


Abu Ayman al-Iraqi, April 2014

Apr. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Ayman al-Iraqi

“I might get hit by a mortar and be killed, and you might live longer than me, but remember my words. They [the West] will use you, and they will unite you with Bashar’s army, and with an interim government, and they will promise you seats in parliament, and such things — the same as they did with the Sunnis in Iraq. The West will sell you cheap. They sold your grandfathers and our grandfathers. And for hundreds of years the West has been controlling us, and they keep these tyrants over our heads. As if it were us who committed the al-Houla massacre, or did the chemical weapons attack, or raped the women in Bashar’s prisons. You forgot about Bashar, and now you came to fight us in earnest, and in the end, you and the [Alawites] will hug each other. You serve this project without knowing. Your army and Bashar’s army will unify to ‘counter terrorism’ — which is us. You will kill us and we will kill you. We have no other options — either you cleanse us or we cleanse you, because the decision is not yours.” (From a phone call between al-Iraqi and his enemy, a Syrian rebel commander) Mike Giglio, “A Late-Night Phone Call Between One of Syria’s Top Extremists And His Sworn Enemy,” BuzzFeed News, April 3, 2014,

Abubakar Shekau, March 24, 2014

Mar. 24, 2014
Name of Author
Abubakar Shekau

“I promise that we will kill all your (Muslim) clerics. Just like I killed Albani and it was splashed all over the newspapers. I’ll kill them all. Who was Albani, he was nothing. I’ll kill all of them. I’ll spare none but who follow Allah and the Prophet. Whoever follows Jews and the [W]est is my enemy.” “This is the full text of the latest message from the Boko Haram leader, ABUBAKAR SHEKAU,” New Issues, March 24, 2014,


Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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