
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, July 2014

Jul. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“Indeed the Muslims were defeated after the fall of their khilāfah (caliphate). Then their state ceased to exist, so the disbelievers were able to weaken and humiliate the Muslims, dominate them in every region, plunder their wealth and resources, and rob them of their rights. They accomplished this by attacking and occupying their lands, placing their treacherous agents in power to rule the Muslims with an iron fist, and spreading dazzling and deceptive slogans such as: civilization, peace, co-existence, freedom, democracy, secularism, [B]aathism, nationalism, and patriotism, among other false slogans.” Aaron Y. Zelin, ““al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State’s Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: ‘Message To the Mujāhidīn and the Islamic Ummah In the Month Of Ramaḍān,’ Jihadology, last modified July 1, 2014,; “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: The man who would be caliph,” The Week, September 13, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, July 2014

Jul. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“[L]isten, O ummah [community] of Islam. Listen and comprehend. Stand up and rise. For the time has come for you to free yourself from the shackles of weakness, and stand in the face of tyranny, against the treacherous rulers—the agents of the crusaders and the atheists, and the guards of the [J]ews. O ummah of Islam, indeed the world today has been divided into two camps and two trenches, with no third camp present: The camp of Islam and faith, and the camp of kufr (disbelief) and hypocrisy—the camp of the Muslims and the mujahidin everywhere, and the camp of the [J]ews, the crusaders, their allies, and with them the rest of the nations and religions of kufr, all being led by America and Russia, and being mobilized by the [J]ews.” Aaron Y. Zelin, “‘al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq’s Shaykh Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: ‘Announcement of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām,’” Jihadology, last modified October 28, 2013,; “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: The man who would be caliph,” The Week, September 13, 2014,


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, July 2014

Jul. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“Terrorism is to refuse humiliation, subjugation, and subordination [to infidels]…. Terrorism is for the Muslim to live as a Muslim.” Aaron Y. Zelin, “‘al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq’s Shaykh Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: ‘Announcement of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām,’” Jihadology, last modified October 28, 2013,; “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: The man who would be caliph,” The Week, September 13, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, July 2014

Jul. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“By God, we will take revenge! Even if it takes a while, we will take revenge, and every amount of harm will be responded to with multitudes more.” Aaron Y. Zelin, “‘al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq’s Shaykh Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: ‘Announcement of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām,’” Jihadology, last modified October 28, 2013,; “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: The man who would be caliph,” The Week, September 13, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, July 2014

Jul. 2014
Name of Author
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

“So let the world know that we are living today in a new era... Muslims today have a loud, thundering statement. A statement that will cause the world to hear and understand the meaning of terrorism.” Aaron Y. Zelin, “‘al-Furqān Media presents a new audio message from the Islamic State of Iraq’s Shaykh Abū Bakr al-Ḥussaynī al-Qurayshī al-Baghdādī: ‘Announcement of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām,’” Jihadology, last modified October 28, 2013,; “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: The man who would be caliph,” The Week, September 13, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Qais al-Khazali, AAH leader, July 2014

Jul. 2014
Name of Author
Qais al-Khazali

“I think sending our men to fight in Syria was the right decision… Al-Qaida has had a lot of practice in street fighting. If our guys hadn’t gotten the experience in Syria, al-Qaida and ISIS could have taken Baghdad.”“The Fearsome Iraqi Militia Vowing to Vanquish ISIS,” BBC, July 7, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Isnilon Hapilon, Pledge of Support for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, July 2014

July 2014
Name of Author
Isnilon Hapilon

Pledging support for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi:
“We pledge to obey him on anything which our hearts desire or not and to value him more than anyone else. We will not take any emir (leader) other than him unless we see in him any obvious act of disbelief that could be questioned by Allah in the hereafter.”Michelle FlorCruz, “Philippine Terror Group Abu Sayyaf May Be Using ISIS Link For Own Agenda,” International Business Times, September 25, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Noelle Velentzas, June 2014

Jun. 2014
Name of Author
Noelle Velentzas

“If we get arrested, the police will point their guns at us from the back and maybe from the front. If we can get even one of their weapons, we can shoot them. They will probably kill us but we will be martyrs automatically and receive Allah’s blessings.”“Criminal Complaint,” United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, April 1, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Mojtaba Zonnour, IRGC adviser, June 2014

Name of Author
Mojtaba Zonnour

“In the event of an irrational attack by the U.S., America’s military bases will not be safe from our missiles, whether in Bahrain or at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.”Lisa Daftari, “US Military Base within Iranian Striking Distance, Official Warns,” Fox News, June 10, 2014,

Rhetoric Category

Ahlam al-Nasr, Summer 2014

Summer 2014
Name of Author
Ahlam al-Nasr

“[In Mosul] children played with sticks, pretending these were weapons they would use to fight heretics and unbelievers.”Robyn Creswell and Bernard Haykel, “Battle Lines: Want to understand the jihadis? Read their poety,” New Yorker, June 8, 2015,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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