
Omar Bakri Muhammad, September 13, 2001

September 13, 2001
Name of Author
Omar Bakri Muhammad

“When I first heard about the September 11, 2001 attacks there was some initial delight about such an attack. I received a phone call and said, ‘Oh, wow, the United States has come under attack.’ It was exciting.”“A Profile of Syrian Jihadist Omar Bakri Muhammad,” Jamestown Foundation, December 21, 2012,

Abdul Alim Musa, Speech at University of California, Irvine, September 9, 2001

Sep. 9, 2001
Name of Author
Abdul Alim Musa

Paraphrasing Jamil Al-Amin a.k.a. H. Rap Brown, prominent Black Panther and convert to Islam: “If you don't stay out of our way and leave us alone, we're going to burn America down.” (Speech at University of California, Irvine)Dan Morse, “Case Against Ex-Guard Brings Scrutiny of D.C. Imam,” Washington Post, September 19, 2007,

Rhetoric Category

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Brotherhood spiritual and intellectual leader, June 19, 2001

Jun. 19, 2001
Name of Author
Yusuf al-Qaradawi

“[There are two types of Jihad:] ‘A Jihad which you seek [an attack], and a Jihad in which you repulse an attack. In the Jihad which you are seeking, you look for the enemy and invade him. This type of Jihad takes place only when the Islamic state is invading other [countries] in order to spread the word of Islam and to remove obstacles standing in its way. The repulsing Jihad takes place when your land is being invaded and conquered… [In that case you must] repulse [the invader] to the best of your ability. If you kill him he will end up in hell, and if he kills you, you become a martyr [Shahid]…”“Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi in London to Establish ‘The International Council of Muslim Clerics,’” MEMRI, July 8, 2004,

Rhetoric Category

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Brotherhood spiritual and intellectual leader, June 19, 2001

Jun. 19, 2001
Name of Author
Yusuf al-Qaradawi

“There are various ways to prepare for Jihad: there is mental preparation, there is physical preparation, and there is material preparation, meaning the preparation of the weapons. The Prophet [Muhammad] prepared all his friends first mentally, since equipment and weapons cannot fight by themselves but rather need hands to operate them, and those hands must also have a purpose.”“Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi in London to Establish ‘The International Council of Muslim Clerics,’” MEMRI, July 8, 2004,

Rhetoric Category

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Brotherhood spiritual and intellectual leader, June 19, 2001

Jun. 19, 2001
Name of Author
Yusuf al-Qaradawi

“Why were we defeated in 1967? Officers stated that we had vast amounts of weapons but we did not provide the warrior with mental preparation. We did not prepare him to fight for religious belief and for defending religious sanctuaries. We are the oppressed, and the duty is [incumbent up]on us. He who got killed is a [Shahid] in heaven… The first assignment is to prepare the hero who is willing to put his life in his own hands for Allah's sake, and he who does not care whether he encounters death or death encounters him… [he] is not a suicide [bomber]. He kills the enemy while taking self-risk, similar to what Muslims did in the past… He wants to scare his enemies, and the religious authorities have permitted this. They said that if he causes the enemy both sorrow and fear of Muslims … he is permitted to risk himself and even get killed.”“Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi in London to Establish ‘The International Council of Muslim Clerics,’” MEMRI, July 8, 2004,

Rhetoric Category

Ahmed Yassin, Hamas founder, March 2001

Mar. 2001
Name of Author
Ahmed Yassin

“The Movement within two months [after the intifada broke] was able to launch qualitative operations that shook the world… there are qualitative Jihad operations such as those in Natanya and Khadera. We are proud of such operations and the next days will witness better and bigger ones... I say that the final battle will result in our victory and that this land will reject this enemy similar to its predecessors...”“Hamas in Their Own Words,” Anti-Defamation League, May 2, 2011,


Ramadan Shallah, PIJ secretary-general, September 2000

Sep. 2000
Name of Author
Ramadan Shallah

“We have nothing with which to repel killing and thuggery against us except the weapon of martyrdom. It is easy and costs us only our lives.”“Profile: Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” Fox News, February 20, 2003,

NRM Article, Date Not Determined

Date Not Determined
Name of Author
NRM Article

“One cannot argue that there is anything, anything at all, that would justify you not joining the fight. ‘What the boss or friends say’ — so what? If you risk getting a stone in the head when we take back the streets — so what? When we are about to lose everything, then there is no risk too great.”Rosemary Pennington, “Sweden: Nordic Resistance Movement Gaining in Strength,” National Vanguard, May 9, 2016,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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