
Ramadan Abdullah Shallah, January 1997

Jan. 1997
Name of Author
Ramadan Abdullah Shallah

“We are going to retaliate with a language that the enemy can only understand. The danger of the suicide operations are coming.” “Profile: Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” Fox News, February 20, 2003,

Rhetoric Category

HT publication, March 25, 1996

March 25, 1996
Name of Author
HT Britain

“The rule regarding the Muslim who becomes apostate is to require his repentance. If he insists on his disbelief, the capital punishment is applied on him…”  Hizb ut-Tahrir, The American Campaign to Suppress Islam (London: Al Khilafah Publications, 1996), 24,


Mullah Wakil, then-spokesman for the Taliban, 1996

Name of Author
Mullah Wakil

“The Sharia does not allow politics or political parties. That is why we give no salaries to officials or soldiers, just food, clothes, shoes, and weapons. We want to live a life like the Prophet lived 1400 years ago, and jihad is our right. We want to recreate the time of the Prophet, and we are only carrying out what the Afghan people have wanted for the past 14 years.”“The Taliban,” Mapping Militant Organizations, accessed April 21, 2015,


CCC Statement of Principles, 1995

Name of Author
Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC)

“We believe that the United States derives from and is an integral part of European civilization and the European people and that the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character. We therefore oppose the massive immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples into the United States that threatens to transform our nation into a non-European majority in our lifetime. We believe that illegal immigration must be stopped, if necessary by military force and placing troops on our national borders; that illegal aliens must be returned to their own countries; and that legal immigration must be severely restricted or halted through appropriate changes in our laws and policies. We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind, to promote non-white races over the European-American people through so-called ‘affirmative action’ and similar measures, to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people, and to force the integration of the races.”“Statement of Principles,” Council of Conservative Citizens, accessed July 6, 2015,

Khadaffy Janjalani, Narration on the origins of ASG, Date Unknown

Date Unknown
Name of Author
Khadaffy Janjalani

“We don’t kill Muslims but rather we kill people who claimed themselves to be Muslims. They are called MURTADIN. This kind of people – we see them praying five times a day, performing all Islamic rites, but working with the enemy and with the Shaytan Forces against the Muslims, especially fighting Mujahideen.”Khadaffy Janjalani, “A Brief History of Al-Harakatul Islamiyyah,” Al-Harakatul Al-Islamiyyah, Essays on the Abu Sayyaf Group,” Third Edition, (Philippines: Philippine Institute for Peace Violence and Terrorism Research, 2012), 120,

Rhetoric Category

HT Draft Constitution Section 4

Date Unknown
Name of Author
HT Britain

“A state of war must be taken as the basis for all dispositions with them [Israel). They must be dealt with as if a rear war existed between us—whether an armistice exists or not.” Hizb ut-Tahrir Emerges in America,” Anti-Defamation League, July 25, 2013,

Rhetoric Category

HT article, Date Unknown

Date Unknown
Name of Author
HT Britain

“Sheikh Osama bin Laden is not just another warrior for present-day Muslims; he is a hero who stands for divine justice and freedom from oppression. Any action against him is seen as action against the global body of Muslims… Oh Muslims, support Sheikh Osama bin Laden and your Islamic movements wherever they may be, whether physically, verbally or financially, in the jihad against the occupiers of Muslims’ land.”Zeyno Baran, ed., “The Challenge of Hizb ut-Tahrir: Deciphering and Combating Radical Islamist Ideology,” Center for the National Interest, September 2004, 19, accessed June 1, 2015, (site discontinued).

Rhetoric Category

Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Date Unknown

Date Unknown
Name of Author
Hafiz Muhammad Saeed

“Osama bin Laden was a great person who awakened the Muslim world….. Martyrdoms are not losses, but are a matter of pride for Muslims,” Saeed proclaimed. Bill Roggio, “We do jihad,’ says Lashkar-e-Taiba emir Hafiz Saeed,” The Long War Journal, April 7th, 2012,

Rhetoric Category

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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