
NRM Manual, August 2016

August 2016
Name of Author
NRM Manual

“The rapidly growing non-European population, which is within the borders of the Nordic region, will, in combination with race blend and low Nordic birth rates, effectively provide for the safe and secure death of the Nordic breed if something is not done.”Redaksjonen, “Aktivisthåndboken er lansert og tilgjengelig for salg!,” Frihetscamp, August 26, 2016, https://www.frihetskamp.net/aktivisthandboken-er-lansert-og-tilgjengelig-for-salg/.

Rhetoric Category

NRM Manual, August 2016

August 2016
Name of Author
NRM Manual

“The [NRM] has gone to battle against the enemies of the Nordic region, and continuously fights for the freedom and survival of the Nordic people - in a future free and united nation-socialist Nordic region.”Redaksjonen, “Aktivisthåndboken er lansert og tilgjengelig for salg!,” Frihetscamp, August 26, 2016, https://www.frihetskamp.net/aktivisthandboken-er-lansert-og-tilgjengelig-for-salg/.

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Emil Hagberg, Spokesman of NRM-Sweden, February 2016

February 2016
Name of Author
Emil Hagberg

In an interview with London’s Daily Mail:
“We are National Socialists [Nazis]. Our main aim is the protection of Sweden’s [white] people and culture. We don’t want our [white] people to disappear from the earth. People come to us because they see the streets are full of Somalis and Syrians and they are starting to listen to us because we have been warning of the dangers of immigration for years.”Nick Fagge, “Neo-Nazis thugs warn of a 'year of violence' following attacks on child migrants at train station in Sweden,” Daily Mail (London), February 3, 2016, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3426413/Neo-Nazis-warn-year-violence-following-attacks-child-migrants-train-station-Sweden.html.

NRM-Norway’s “Activist Guide,” Date Not Determined

Date Not Determined
Name of Author
NRM-Norway’s “Activist Guide”

“The Nordics and the Nordic race are in imminent danger. Through the use of their power positions and their influence, traitors, big finance and enemy media have for many years made sure that the gates to the Nordics are wide open, thus enabling the ongoing, racially alien invasion of our lands.”Øyvind Strømmen, “New report: Neo-Nazis in the North,” Hate Speech International, March 24, 2017, https://www.hate-speech.org/new-report-neo-nazis-in-the-north/.

Rhetoric Category

Emil Hagberg, Spokesman of NRM-Sweden, Date Not Determined

Date Not Determined
Name of Author
Emil Hagberg

“We would close Sweden’s borders immediately and repatriate all the immigrants. We would arrest the politicians and public figures who have lied to us about immigration and charge them with treason.”Nick Fagge, “Neo-Nazis thugs warn of a 'year of violence' following attacks on child migrants at train station in Sweden,” Daily Mail (London), February 3, 2016, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3426413/Neo-Nazis-warn-year-violence-following-attacks-child-migrants-train-station-Sweden.html.

Rhetoric Category

The Knights Party, 1997

Name of Author
The Knights Party

“Of course, once you do get to college there are no Caucasian Student Unions or European Culture Clubs, and don’t even think about starting one just because there are tons of them for Blacks, Asians, or what ever.”“Young People,” The Knights Party, accessed September 2, 2015, http://kkk.bz/main/?page_id=214.

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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