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… Guard Corp (IRGC). The Iranian state-aligned Fars News Agency claimed Tehran had warned Jordan against any suspected … civil war for fueling the ideology’s spread. (Sources: BBC News , Associated Press , The National , Reuters , Al-Monitor …

Afghanistan Content Report

February 24 – March 1

Please note that all items this issue are concerning ISIS-K

Table of contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 432, Published February 29, 2024
  2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. Pro-ISIS Al-Hadid Infographic, Released February 29, 2024
  5. Pro-ISIS Al-Battar Infographic, Released February 29, 2024
  6. Pro-ISIS Al-Azaim Web Magazine “Voice of Khorasan” Issue 33, Released on February 29, 2024

Main points (Pro-ISIS online chatter)

  • The Taliban protect religious minority groups in Afghanistan.
  • The Taliban cannot ensure security in Afghanistan.

1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 32, Published February 29, 2024

  • “Two Pakistani intelligence personnel were killed in an attack in Bajaur.”

“This week, a security detachment of the Caliphate soldiers in Khorasan Province killed two members of the apostate Pakistani intelligence. In detail, with the grace of God Almighty, on Tuesday (Shaban 17), the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two members of the apostate Pakistani intelligence in the Mamund area in Bajaur with pistol shots, which led to their deaths, praise be to God.”

2. Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • February 24: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that commemorations were held on the 29th anniversary of the killing of Hazara leader Abdul-Ali Mazari by the Taliban.

“#Khorasan. Commemorating the 29th anniversary of the death of the Shiite Abdul-Ali Mazari, the leader of the Hazara Shiites, at the hands of the apostate #Taliban militia in Mashhad, Iran.”

  • February 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram criticizing the Taliban for not “supporting Muslims in Gaza” by attacking “American interests in Pakistan” or closing Western embassies.


“⁉️ Where is the Taliban movement that controls Afghanistan in supporting Muslims in Gaza?

“⁉️ Why don't the Taliban attack American interests in Pakistan and Nuristan?

“⁉️ Why not close the American, British, and French embassies in Kabul?

“⁉️ If the movement is an emirate concerned with the affairs of Muslims, then where is it?

“We couldn't even find a permit for them!

“‼️ Or does this violate the terms agreed upon in Doha, Qatar?!

“📝 #For its writer


“📍 It is the 9th of the Caliphate, even if noses are forced, even if palms are struck.

“📍 We are the nation of attribution; We adhere to the sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and the righteous predecessors. We follow and do not innovate, and we fulfill the rights to their people.

“📍We want the reward for us and others, and we want us and them to abstain from the burden.”

  • February 27: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram condemning the Taliban for protecting religious minority communities in Afghanistan.

“#Khorasan. The population of Afghanistan is 30 million people, a third of whom are Shiite polytheists, the equivalent of 10 Rafidi mullahs loyal to the Magians of Iran, not to mention the infidel Sikhs and Hindus, in addition to heretical sects and grave worshipers.

“They are all under the rule of the apostate Taliban militia, enjoying security and the freedom to disbelieve in God and speak out about it.

“As for the people of monotheism, they only have displacement, captivity, and killing.”

  • February 28: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that the Taliban are “an agent of” Israel. The post claims that the “world order” supports the Taliban, and that the “world order is run by the Jews.” It is unclear if this post is meant to be serious.

“#urgent. The apostate #Taliban militia is an agent of the Jewish state.

“Since the apostate militia and the #Islamic_State, may God bless it, fought the apostate Ghani regime previously, and most of the men of the Caliphate in Khorasan were in the ranks of the apostate militia.

“Since the apostate Taliban accuses the state (ISIS) of being a Jewish industry, the militia itself is the Jews.


“The infidel world order supports the apostate militia with money, weapons, and politics, and the world order is run by the Jews.

“Who is the agent of the Jews?

“Well done, son, correct answer.

“Hazim Al-Raad and his fleet are the agents.”

  • February 28: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram alleging that a man selling juice in India was intentionally poisoning Muslim children. The post noted that the Taliban “protects Hindus.”

“#India. Indian Muslims caught an infidel Hindu juice seller red-handed adding rat poison to the drinks he sold to Muslim children.

“The apostate #Taliban militia protects the Hindus and dies without them from the paths of the monotheists [sic].”

  • February 28: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram consisting of photos of two alleged members of the Pakistani intelligence service killed in Bajaur.


“# Follow up”

  • February 29: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram stating that an Afghan intelligence official was killed in Ghaziabad, Kunar Province.

#Khorasan. An intelligence officer in the #Apostate_Taliban militia was killed in Ghaziabad.”

  • February 29: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that a Taliban member was killed near Kabul airport.

“#Khorasan. Another member of the #Apostate_Taliban militia was shot dead near Kabul Airport.”

  • March 1: Pro-ISIS post on Telegram claiming that unknown individuals killed the owner of a bakery north of Kabul.

“# Khorasan. A bakery owner was killed by unknown gunfire in his bakery north of Kabul.”

3. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • February 28: ISIS claims to have killed two alleged members of Pakistan’s intelligence services on February 27 in Mamund, Bajaur.

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two members of the apostate Pakistani Intelligence in the Mamund area in Bajaur yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to their death, and praise be to God.”


4. Pro-ISIS Al-Hadid Infographic, Released February 29, 2024

  • The infographic states that many Taliban leaders, including Mullah Baradar, have been secretly communicating with the United States.
  • The Taliban are accused of killing leaders, such as Dadullah, who were opposed to negotiating with the U.S.
  • The infographic states that Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai is hiding in Doha, Qatar.
  • The Taliban receive money from the international community and follow a religion “designed in Doha.”
  • The Taliban believe in human-made borders and act as the mercenaries of the United States.
  • The Taliban seek to make agreements with the United States, China, Russia, and Iran instead of fighting them.

5. Pro-ISIS Al-Battar Infographic, Released February 29, 2024

“The Taliban apostates reassure all infidels, including Rafidis, Crusaders, and atheists, that they will be safe in Afghanistan. As their statement says: (We will shelter every polytheist in God as a blasphemer and an enemy of those who fight for the sake of God.)”


6. Pro-ISIS Al-Azaim Web Magazine “Voice of Khorasan” Issue 33, Released on February 29, 2024

On February 29, the pro-ISIS al-Azaim Media propaganda group released issue 33 of the web magazine Voice of Khorasan. The magazine totaled 92 pages, the largest publication edition to date. The main article, totaling 18 pages, condemned Hibatullah Akhundzada and the Taliban for allegedly not instituting true religious law, bending to the will of the international community, protecting minority religious groups in the country, and abusing their power. In an infographic, the magazine also called for the killing of Taliban Minister of Defense Mullah Yaqoob. Another section encouraged acts of terrorism in Turkey and condemned Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for promoting secularism. Other articles encouraged actions over words and promoted perseverance. A reprint of an essay likely from 2020 claimed that COVID-19 was divine punishment.

As with prior issues, the web magazine also provided a wallet address for donating the privacy cryptocurrency Monero.


… Post , October 17, 2011, ; … Prison. In a March 2006 statement to Israel’s Ynet news website, Tamimi refused to recognize Israel’s existence … Jerusalem pizza bombing received more than $910K,” Jewish News Syndicate, August 8, 2019, …
CounterPoint Blog
… on security risk and sought none. The failure of the multi-agency risk arrangements (MAPPA) that was supposed to protect … organisation, local authority or government department or agency where the coroner believes that action should be taken … on security risk and sought none. The failure of the multi-agency risk arrangements (MAPPA) that was supposed to protect …
Media Analysis
… down wherever you may encounter her,” prompted ABC News to wonder if the tape was intended as a 9/11 message. … Message? New Al Qaeda Leader Calls for US Attacks,” ABC News, August 15, 2011, … down wherever you may encounter her,” prompted ABC News to wonder if the tape was intended as a 9/11 message. …
… housing and job ads based on race and age, promoting fake news designed to incite violence and disrupt elections, and … housing and job ads based on race and age, promoting fake news designed to incite violence and disrupt elections, and …
Extremism News Roundup
… cameras and first-hand testimony given to international news networks. Israel says more than 1,400 people were killed … the executive director of the group, told an Australian news service, adding that many more incidents have likely … cameras and first-hand testimony given to international news networks. Israel says more than 1,400 people were killed …

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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