Daily Dose



On September 17, 2019, a suicide bomber on a motorcycle detonated outside a Presidential rally in Charikar, Afghanistan, killing at least 26 people and injuring 30 others. Later that day, a suicide bomber detonated outside the Ministry of Defense in Kabul, killing 22 and wounding 38. The Taliban claimed responsibility for both attacks.  
In their own words
This year, many Zionists have been killed in operations by resistance groups’ members in occupied Palestinian territories. The number of attacks by the Palestinians cannot compare with that in the past. When something becomes homegrown, it cannot be stopped.


From September 14 to September 18, 2020, al-Shabaab carried out more than a dozen attacks in Somalia in the lead-up to legislative elections on November 1 and the presidential election in early 2021. 
In their own words
The message for the Nordic Resistance Movement’s May Day activism: ‘White workers built this country – White workers can take this country back!
Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM), Telegram May 1, 2021


On September 11, 2021, militants fired a ballistic missile and explosive-laden drone toward the Red Sea port city of Mocha in Yemen, destroying several warehouses of humanitarian aid. The internationally recognized government blamed the Houthis. 
In their own words
The course of developments in the occupied Palestinian territories and the waning power of the Zionists, who are on the decline and collapsing, is a road of no return … that ends in the liberation of Al-Quds. There is every indication that the Zionists are falling apart from within.


On September 7, 2020, an explosives-laden pickup truck exploded at a military outpost in the Jana Abdalle area of southern Somalia’s Lower Juba region, killing three Somali military officers and injuring two others. Al-Shabaab is suspected of responsibility
In their own words
Our dear people, if you exert your efforts, all the settlements of the West Bank can be evacuated by the end of this year, just like the settlements of the Gaza Strip were evacuated.


On September 3, 2019, Yemen-based Houthi rebels launched multiple drone attacks on King Khalid Air Base in the southwest of Saudi Arabia. Earlier in the day, Houthis fired several ballistic missiles towards Najran airport in the southwest of the kingdom. No casualties were reported.   

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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