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May 30, 2019

Advertising: The Business Model of the Internet

In part six of a nine-part video series, CEP Senior Adviser Dr. Hany Farid, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, asserts that the current business model for tech companies, free services in exchange for personal data, has created...

Press Release

May 30, 2019

CEP’s Dr. Hany Farid: “Online Extremism, Child Pornography, Child Sex Trade … It’s the Wild West Out There”

CEP today released the sixth of a nine-part video series featuring CEP Senior Adviser Dr. Hany Farid , a professor at the University of California at Berkeley. In this week’s video, titled “ Advertising ,” Dr. Farid asserts that the current business...


May 30, 2019

“A jihadi from the so-called British 'Beatles gang' says Sally Jones WAS killed by an airstrike along with her 12-year-old son. Alexanda Kotey said the so-called 'White Widow' was killed in a 2017 air strike. They both died in bombardment that was...


May 30, 2019

"Online platforms like 8chan and Gab have helped far-right extremist ideologies go global. But when the alt-right wants to put an academic imprimatur on racist ideas, it turns to a small publishing house in Budapest. For the last decade, Arktos Media...

Press Release

May 29, 2019

CEP to Release New Resources Detailing Links Between Extremism & Online Radicalization

Earlier this year, CEP highlighted the online presence of dangerous extremist propagandists and notorious extremist content with links to violence in its Extremism Spotlight series. Continuing to allow this material to remain online to radicalize...


May 29, 2019

CEP Senior Advisor Jean-Charles Brisard writes: "While details of the unimaginable horror of the Christchurch shootout had barely reached Europe, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was already taking steps to combat extremism in her country...


May 28, 2019

"A social network described as the 'anti-Facebook' has become a haven for neo-Nazis connected to militant hate groups, Motherboard has found. Minds is a US-based social network that bills itself as being focused on transparency (its code is open...

Press Release

May 23, 2019

Tech & Terrorism: Facebook Spin Machine Goes Into Overdrive

Earlier this month, an Associated Press investigation exposed whistleblower claims made to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleging that Facebook mislead the public about its 99 percent extremist content removal rate. The whistleblower...

Press Release

May 22, 2019

John Walker Lindh’s Release Raises an Opportunity & Risk

Tomorrow marks the release of John Walker Lindh , an American captured in Afghanistan while fighting for the Taliban just after the September 11 terrorist attacks. CEP has warned of the societal crisis facing America as more jihadist convicts like...


May 22, 2019

"Yusuf Al-Qaradawi — who is known for his extreme views, including justifying suicide bombings and attacks on Jews — was pictured at the iftar reception hosted by Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, the current emir of Qatar. Despite such hate speech...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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