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May 15, 2019

CEP Senior Director Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler writes: "With the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) from 2014 onwards, the issue of the misuse of modern communication technology via the internet and social media came to the...

Press Release

May 13, 2019

Whistleblower Finds Facebook Deceived Public on Claims of Extremist Content Removal

According to a whistleblower’s complaint to the S ecurities and Exchange Commission, Facebook has been misleading the public and its shareholders about the efficacy of its content moderation efforts. CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified in April t hat...


May 13, 2019

"A controversial mobile app launched by the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood is continuing to be promoted despite calls for it to be banned. The Euro Fatwa App was created by the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR), which was...


May 11, 2019

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen writes: "Social media platforms have failed to address the threat of extremist content, becoming at best complacent and at worst complicit in the transformation of tech platforms into breeding grounds for reaching...


May 10, 2019

"The question comes up over and over, with extremist material, hate speech, election meddling and privacy invasions. Why can’t Facebook just fix it? The latest revelation: Facebook is inadvertently creating celebratory videos using extremist content...

Press Release

May 9, 2019

CEP Statement on “It’s Time to Break Up Facebook”: “We Agree.”

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace today issued a statement in response to an op-ed by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes published in the New York Times that called for the breakup of Facebook. The statement read: “We agree.”


May 9, 2019

"Facebook likes to give the impression that it's staying ahead of extremists by taking down their posts, often before users even see them. But a confidential whistleblower's complaint to the Securities and Exchange Commission obtained by The...


May 9, 2019

eGLYPH: Moving the Needle

In part three of CEP's nine-part video series, senior advisor Dr. Hany Farid discusses developing hashing technology to remove extremist content and tech companies' initial rejection.

Press Release

May 9, 2019

CEP’s Dr. Hany Farid: “Developing Technology to Moderate Content is not a Moneymaking Adventure”

CEP today released the third in a nine-part video series featuring CEP Senior Advisor Dr. Hany Farid , titled "eGLYPH." In the video, Dr. Farid explains the origin of the digital hashing technology he developed with CEP that analyzes images, audio...


May 9, 2019

"Facebook is promoting Islamic State propaganda, a whistleblower alleges in a complaint Thursday to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The social media company is likely violating securities laws prohibiting companies from misleading...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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