
Ismail Ghaani, Quds Force commander, May 15, 2024

May 15, 2024

In response to European countries aiding Israel during an April 13 Iranian missile attack:

“France, Germany, and Britain, who promised the planes on the night of the True Promise operation, should not think that everything is over and gone. They have to be held to account still.”“IRGC Quds Force commander warns France, Germany, UK,” Mehr News Agency, May 15, 2024,

Yahya Sarea, Houthi spokesman, May 6, 2024

May 6, 2024
Name of Author
Yahya Sarea, Houthi spokesman

“If the Israeli enemy intends to launch an aggressive military operation against Rafah, the Yemeni Armed forces will impose comprehensive sanctions on all ships and companies that are related to supplying and entering the occupied Palestinian ports of any nationality and will prevent all ships of these companies from passing through the armed forces’ operation zone regardless of their destination.” (Tweet) Heather Mongilio, “Houthis Threaten to Expand Range of Targets in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden,” USNI News, May 6, 2024,

Rhetoric Category

Ali Khamenei, Apr. 21, 2024

Apr. 21, 2024
Name of Author
Ali Khamenei

Meeting with Iranian military leaders after an April 13 Iranian direct attack on Israel:

“Debates by the other party about how many missiles were fired, how many of them hit the target and how many didn’t, these are of secondary importance. The main issue is the emergence of the Iranian nation and Iranian military’s will in an important international arena. This is what matters.”[1]

Rhetoric Category

Ebrahim Raisi, April 22, 2024

April 22, 2024
Name of Author
Ebrahim Raisi

Statement at a press conference with Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif during a state visit to Pakistan:

“We respect the people and the government of Pakistan who are fed up with the oppression being committed against … the people of Gaza, and the genocide and the child-killing … by the Israeli Zionist regime with the support of the United States and other Western countries.”Ayaz Gul, “Iran and Pakistan urge Gaza cease-fire,” Voice of America, April 22, 2024,

Rhetoric Category

Naim Qassem, April 18, 2024

April 18, 2024

In an interview with NBC News about ongoing Hezbollah attacks on Israel since October 8, 2023:

“We didn’t expect the war would last this long because we didn’t think that Netanyahu was that foolish, same for Biden and the other countries.”Matt Bradley, Ziad Jaber, and Natasha Lebedeva, “Hezbollah's second-in-command insists it is not seeking war, but would respond to Israeli escalation,” NBC News, April 18, 2024,

Rhetoric Category

PIJ statement, April 14, 2024

April 14, 2024
Name of Author
PIJ statement

Following a direct Iranian attack on Israel in which Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles toward Israel:

“We consider this response to be the natural reaction to the existence of the occupying entity, and it becomes increasingly necessary in light of the crimes, violations, and assassinations that the entity continues to commit in flagrant violation of all humanitarian and legal values and standards. We also condemn all the denying voices that have emerged in defense of the occupying entity, especially the countries that have made themselves a firewall to defend the entity, and portray it as the victim, in a blatant distortion of all facts and realities.” “Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad hail Iran’s retaliatory strikes on occupied territories,” Press TV, April 14, 2024,

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Bassem Naim, member of Hamas political bureau, April 11, 2024

April 11, 2024

“I was contacted today by different journalists and media outlets asking about the latest proposal of the Cairo negotiations between the movement and the Israelis, through the mediators. Fine, but the most outrageous is the repeated questions regarding the “hostages in Gaza, how many alive or dead, does Hamas rejected the proposal because it can’t release 40 hostages in the first phase, etc ….?

“*Here I have to raise the following points:*

“- it’s a ceasefire negotiations and not a prisoner deal negotiations, the prisoners deal is one of the items to be negotiated. Why do we fall into the trap set by Netanyahu? *NEGOTIATION PROCESS* like the *PEACE PROCESS*, To create a process of negotiation without any intentions to reach any agreement. Everyone knows today that he is ready to sacrifice even the lives of his own people, to save himself from the next day. It’s not about Hamas response, it’s about Netanyahu goals of the negotiations.

- The life of any human being is priceless

“We can’t accept (no Palestinian will accept) by our free will the renewal of Israeli existence inside the strip, to give Israel the legitimacy to launch a new aggression against our people (because the are proposing a temporary pause) and to keep 2,3 million Palestinians in Gaza displaced from their homes and their movement under the Israeli control.”Bassem Naim, Hamas – Online English Telegram Channel, April 11, 2024.

Rhetoric Category

Hossein Salami, IRGC commander-in-chief, April 5, 2024

April 5, 2024

During a Quds Day speech while crowds chant “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”:

“The Zionists and their American backers believe that the more they kill Muslims and besiege and displace them, the better their lives will be, but the reality is the exact opposite.”“IRGC warns Israel attacks ‘won’t go unanswered’ as Iran marks Al-Quds Day,” Al Jazeera, April 5, 2024,

Hamas statement, April 4, 2024

April 4, 2024

“The countries, governments and institutions that have adopted the false Zionist narrative must: Immediately retract its positions against our people and their resistance, and the media outlets that went along with this propaganda without any commitment to the rules of journalistic professionalism; Apologizing for its contribution to distorting the struggle of our Palestinian people, modifying its course, and intensifying efforts to spread and document the crimes to which our Palestinian people are exposed, especially in the Gaza Strip, from a war of starvation, massacres, and systematic extermination at the hands of the criminal Zionist occupation army.”“Press Statement,” Hamas Online English Telegram Channel, April 4, 2024.

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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