
Abu Ḥudhayfah Al-Ansari, spokesman, March 29, 2024

March 29, 2024
Name of Author
Abu Ḥudhayfah Al-Ansari, spokesman

Statement entitled “[By Allah], Allah Will Bring This Matter to Its Consummation”:

“We ask Allah Almighty to enable you to reach the land of Palestine to fight the Jews face to face, in a religious war that does not spare nor leave anything. In this context, we renew and reiterate our incitement to the lone lions, to make efforts to target the Crusaders and Jews everywhere, especially in Crusader America and Europe, as well as in the heart of the Jewish quasi-state in al-Qaeda and the territories of the Palestinian interior.”“[By Allah], Allah Will Bring This Matter To Its Consummation,” Al-Furqan Media Group, March 29, 2024.


Lucas Gage, March 21, 2024

March 21, 2024

“Imagine believing it’s impossible Israel covered up the fact they helped kill 3k Americans on 9/11, to start a ‘war on terror’ that benefits them, as they livestream the murder of 15k children—equivalent to five 9/11s—in front of the entire world without any remorse, whatsoever.” (Tweet)“Lucas Gage,” Twitter post, March 21, 2024, 12:25 a.m.,

Rhetoric Category

IRGC communication, March 11, 2024

March 11, 2024
Name of Author
IRGC communication

Letter written by Brigadier General Majid Kazemi, head of the IRGC’s Intelligence Security Organization, to Colonel Mohammad Sajedifar, the deputy of cultural and psychological operations of the IRGC Ground Force:

“Given the recent developments in the issue of Palestine and the psychological impact of the Al-Aqsa Storm operation on Palestinian communities in European and American countries, it was determined to implement significant support measures for April 15 and other rallies with the aim to achieve political isolation [of Israel].”“Leaked Document Reveals IRGC’s Role In Global Anti-Israel Campaign,” Iran International, April 15, 2024,

Rhetoric Category

Ismail Haniyeh, chief of political bureau, March 10, 2024

March 10, 2024

“The enemy still refuses to make guarantees and clear commitments over the issue of ceasefire and stopping the aggressive war on our people. Today, if we receive a clear position from the mediators, we are ready to proceed with completing the agreement and to show flexibility on the issue of prisoner exchange.”Nidal Al-Mughrabi, “Hamas chief blames Israel for stalled ceasefire talks, leaves door open,” Reuters, March 10, 2024,

Rhetoric Category

Hamas statement, March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

“We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) reject and strongly deplore the report issued by UN official Pramila Patten. Regarding the allegation and allegations that Palestinian resistance fighters committed incidents of ‘rape and sexual violence’ during the events of October 7, which came after failed Zionist attempts to prove that false accusation, which was confirmed to be baseless, other than demonizing the Palestinian resistance and covering up the report of the United Nations rapporteurs on There is conclusive evidence of horrific human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls by the Zionist occupation forces.

“Despite Ms. Patten’s false and false claims and accusations against Palestinian resistance fighters, her report did not document any testimony from what she calls the victims of these cases. Rather, in her report, she relied on Israeli institutions, soldiers, and witnesses who were chosen by the occupation authorities, to push towards an attempt to prove this false accusation, which was refuted by all investigations. And international reports.

“Ms. Patten's allegations clearly contradict what emerged from the testimonies of Israeli women about the good treatment of them by resistance fighters, as well as the testimonies of released Israeli female prisoners, and what they confirmed of the good treatment they received during their captivity in Gaza.

“This false accusation will not succeed in obliterating the ugliness and horror of the Zionist crimes committed in the Gaza Strip, which caused the death of about 40,000 Palestinians, most of them women, children and civilians, in a mass crime and ethnic cleansing, and in deliberate disregard of the decisions of the International Court of Justice and other international reports, which It documented parts of the crimes and atrocities committed in Gaza by neo-Nazis.”“Press Statement,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, March 5, 2024.

Rhetoric Category

Osama Hamdan, senior official, March 5, 2024

March 5, 2024

“We are at the doors of the blessed month of Ramadan, and with this Nazi aggression against our people continuing for the 151st day, despite the scale of killing, massacres, and genocide, and the pain of displacement, hunger, and thirst, this Nazi enemy has not achieved any of its aggressive goals.

“The image of the erosion of the defeated entity and its war pillars internally is increasingly deteriorating and growing, while the image of our people’s steadfastness, patience, strength, and the bravery of our resistance is firm, rooted, and determined to be victorious.

“We send our greetings, pride, and honor to our people in the Gaza Strip, who continue their legendary epic of patience and sacrifice. We also send peace and greetings to the victorious Al-Qassam Brigades, the fighting Saraya Al-Quds, and the men of the Palestinian resistance on the land of Gaza of glory, who continue with all strength, capability, will, and determination to forge a legacy of glory for our people and our nation.”“‘This is Why Negotiations are Stalling’–Osama Hamdan,” Palestine Chronicle, March 5, 2024,

Rhetoric Category

Abu Hamza, PIJ Al-Quds Brigades spokesman, March 3, 2024

March 3, 2024
Name of Author
Abu Hamza, PIJ Al-Quds Brigades spokesman

In a speech calling for Ramadan to be a “month of terror”:

“Isn’t it time for you to raise your guns like the free people in Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq?...Isn’t it time for you to take off the garment of slavery and humiliation to America, the Great Satan, and follow the example of the honorable?...We are certain that the single body of the nation will do the impossible and will make the month of Ramadan historic days to wash away shame and threaten the existence of the Israeli enemy entity and global arrogance.”Seth J. Frantzman, “Palestinian Islamic Jihad calls for Ramadan to be 'month of terror’ – analysis,” Jerusalem Post, March 3, 2024,

Rhetoric Category

Hamas statement, March 1, 2024

March 1, 2024

“We have previously announced that our contact has been cut off with our mujahideen who are guarding a number of enemy prisoners and that we believe that a number of the prisoners have been killed as a result of the Zionist bombing.

“After examination and scrutiny during recent weeks, we have confirmed the martyrdom of a number of our mujahideen and the killing of seven enemy prisoners in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Zionist bombing.”Danielle Greyman-Kennard and Sam Halpern, “Hamas claims seven hostages killed in captivity in Gaza,” Jerusalem Post, March 1, 2024,  

Rhetoric Category

Hamas statement, February 29, 2024

Feb. 29, 2024

“We hold the Zionist occupation, its fascist government, its Nazi army, President Biden, and the American administration fully responsible for this massacre, and for the escalation of the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing against our people.

“We have mercy on the souls of our people’s martyrs, and we affirm that their sacrifices and blood will not be in vain, and that we will remain loyal to our cause, our land, and our sanctities.”“Press Statement,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, February 29, 2024.


Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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