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Press Release

September 22, 2014

New Global Organization to Target Extremist Groups, Expose Financing Networks

New York, NY – Today, a renowned group of international leaders and former diplomats announced the formation of the Counter Extremism Project (CEP), an organization aimed at combating extremism and exposing its hidden support networks through a...


September 24, 2014

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen appears on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto


September 24, 2014

Counter Extremism Project Leader Fran Townsend on CNN's The Lead With Jake Tapper

Counter Extremism Project Leader Fran Townsend appears on CNN's The Lead With Jake Tapper


September 23, 2014

WASHINGTON — With top-level meetings underway at the United Nations to determine a plan for confronting the Islamic State, blocks away, a star-studded panel launched a nongovernmental initiative to confront what it described as a “growing threat from...


September 23, 2014

CEO Mark Wallace on Erin Burnett

Counter Extremism Project CEO Mark Wallace appears on Erin Burnett.


September 23, 2014

Farah Pandith on Al Jazeera America

Counter Extremism Project Advisor Farah Pandith appears on Al Jazeera America.


September 23, 2014

Fran Townsend on CNN Tonight

Counter Extremism Project Advisor Fran Townsend appears on CNN Tonight.


September 23, 2014

CEP Fox & Friends Mention

Counter Extremism Project mentioned on Fox & Friends on September 23, 2014.


September 22, 2014

HAPPENING TODAY -- Counter Extremism project goes live: Former Sen. Joe Lieberman, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Mark Wallace and former presidential adviser Fran Townsend take to the media today to begin exposing the Islamic State's...


September 22, 2014

HAPPENING TODAY IN NYC: “Ambassador Mark Wallace, former Homeland Security Advisor Fran Townsend, and former U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman will announce the launch of the Counter Extremism Project, an organization led by a renowned group of former...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On August 23, 2017, Boko Haram insurgents attacked several villages in northern Nigeria’s Borno State. The extremists shot at villagers and slit their throats, killing 27 people and wounding at least 6 others. 

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