
Hamas statement, January 21, 2024

Jan. 21, 2024

From Hamas’s “Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”:

“What was expected from the Palestinian people after all of that? To keep waiting and to keep counting on the helpless UN! Or to take the initiative in defending the Palestinian people, lands, rights and sanctities; knowing that the defense act is a right enshrined in international laws, norms and conventions. Proceeding from the above, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on Oct. 7 was a necessary step and a normal response to confront all Israeli conspiracies against the Palestinian people and their cause. It was a defensive act in the frame of getting rid of the Israeli occupation, reclaiming the Palestinian rights and on the way for liberation and independence like all peoples around the world did.”“Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, January 21, 2024.


Hamas statement, January 21, 2024

Jan. 21, 2024

From Hamas’s “Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”:

“The US administration and its western allies have always been treating Israel as a state above the law; they provide it with the needed cover to maintain prolonging the occupation and cracking down the Palestinian people, and also allowing “Israel” to exploit such situation to expropriate further Palestinian lands and to Judaize their sanctities and holy sites.”“Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, January 21, 2024.

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Hamas statement, January 21, 2024

Jan. 21, 2024

From Hamas’s “Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”:

“Over these long decades, the Palestinian people suffered all forms of oppression, injustice, expropriation of their fundamental rights and the apartheid policies. The Gaza Strip, for example, suffered as of 2007 from a suffocating blockade over 17 years which turned it to be the largest open-air prison in the world. The Palestinian people in Gaza also suffered from five destructive wars\aggressions all of which “Israel” was the offending party.”“Our Narrative… Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, January 21, 2024.

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Osama Hamdan, senior official, January 10, 2024

Jan. 10, 2024

“We send a message of blessing, pride and praise to the men of the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades and all the heroes of the Palestinian resistance who continue to poke the noses of the officers and soldiers of the occupation army and insult their faces, and make their leaders pay the price for their occupation of our land, and the price for their crimes against our people, our land and our sanctities.”

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Osama Hamdan, senior official, January 10, 2024

Jan. 10, 2024

“The Nazi occupation’s marketing, in partnership with the American administration, of what is called ‘the transition to the third phase of the war’ comes in the context of false and exposed black propaganda by our people and our resistance, and a desperate attempt to pass it off as an achievement at the expense of the blood of our people, in light of the continuation of all forms of massacres and crimes against our people.”“Press Statement,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, January 10, 2024.


Osama Hamdan, senior official, January 10, 2024

Jan. 10, 2024

“The prisoners of the Zionist enemy held by the resistance will not return alive to their families, unless Netanyahu and his war leaders respond to the conditions of the resistance, the first of which is a comprehensive and complete cessation of their aggression against the Gaza Strip.”“Press Statement,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, January 10, 2024.

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Osama Hamdan, senior official, January 10, 2024

Jan. 10, 2024

“The American administration bears political, legal, moral and humanitarian responsibility for the suffering, pain, killing and displacement of more than two million Palestinian citizens in the Gaza Strip.

“The American administration’s failure to issue UN Security Council resolutions to stop the aggression, and challenging the will and positions of 153 countries in the United Nations General Assembly demanding to stop the aggression, makes this administration a pariah and sponsor of Zionist terrorism.

“This administration’s positions and support for the occupation and its crimes will increase its isolation and loss, politically, diplomatically, popularly, and its alleged moral image, and confirm its relationship with and sponsorship of all forms of terrorism in the world.”“Press Statement,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, January 10, 2024.

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Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, spokesman, January 4, 2024

January 4, 2024
Name of Author
Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari, spokesman

Statement entitled, “And Kill Them Wherever You find Them”:

“Monotheism is the goal, and jihad is the path…the war with the Jews will not end in a one-state solution or two-state solution, as nationalists believe. It is a religious ideological war that will continue until we kill their antichrist under the banner of the Prophet of Allah… tighten the plans and diversify operations: Blow them up with explosives, burn them with incendiary bombs, shoot them with bullets, slaughter their necks with knives, and run them over with buses.”“Islamic State (ISIS) Spokesman Instructs Muslims To Renew Lone Wolf Attacks In U.S., Europe, In Support Of Gaza; Discredits Palestinian Factions For Their Alliance With Iran, Calls On Arabs To Rebel Against Their Rulers,” Middle East Media Research Institute, January 4, 2024,


Bassem Naim, member of Hamas political bureau, December 31, 2023

Dec. 31, 2023

In response to a New York Times report on Hamas sexual violence on October 7:

“The New York Times misleading report was only based on Israeli public servants who only speak what go in line with the Israeli propaganda and in line with the Israeli attempt to dehumanize the Palestinian people. The report also narrated claims from women who said they heard other women repeating these allegations. All what was mentioned of testimonies don't indicate conclusive evidence of one Palestinian fighter committing such shameful acts.

“The New York Times allegations contradict the very testimonies that Israeli women themselves said of the good treatment they had experienced from the Palestinian fighters on October 7. Anyone who is engaged in investigating these claims and allegations can easily watch their videos on social media. They (Israeli women) spoke to Israeli media and never mentioned such lies.”Bassem Naim, “Response to the New York Times misleading report against the Palestinian resistance on Oct. 7,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, December 31, 2023.

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Bassem Naim, member of Hamas political bureau, December 31, 2023

Dec. 31, 2023

In response to a New York Times report on Hamas sexual violence on October 7:

“Moreover, all Israeli female captives who were released from Gaza could only say well treatment they have received and the fighters (captors) keenness to provide them all they needed despite the difficult situation in Gaza. It is enough to mention what they said that they and their captors were eating the same food.

“You may all remember the letter written by the Israeli mother to her captors who simply voiced gratitude to them for not making her and her daughter feel in prison.

“If the Hamas resistance fighters held such ideas of sex violence, they would mistreat those who were in their captivity, but the contrary freedom fighters never commit such allegations as their religion, values and culture forbid such acts.”Bassem Naim, “Response to the New York Times misleading report against the Palestinian resistance on Oct. 7,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, December 31, 2023.

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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