
Bassem Naim, member of Hamas political bureau, December 31, 2023

Dec. 31, 2023

In response to a New York Times report on Hamas sexual violence on October 7:

“Our resistance members are fighters for freedom and dignity, they would never commit such shameful acts. Our religion, values and culture and societal norms don’t accept these acts and even don’t tolerate them. We mention that there was not a single ‘rape case’ filed in Palestinian courts in Gaza against any citizen.

“The Palestinian fighters on October 7 were busy in one mission which is to defend the Palestinian people and to break unjust siege imposed on Gaza by fighting the Gaza Division of the Israeli army, and successfully performed such mission in a glorious and honourable way.

“Furthermore, the duration of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation was very short; it was a matter of few hours and most of the fighters had withdrawn from the Israeli sites back to Gaza to take their positions to defend our people and land. Such period could never give time or space to the fighters to think of nothing but their mission which is to crush the enemy’s military sites.”Bassem Naim, “Response to the New York Times misleading report against the Palestinian resistance on Oct. 7,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, December 31, 2023.

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Bassem Naim, member of Hamas political bureau, December 31, 2023

Dec. 31, 2023

In response to a New York Times report on Hamas sexual violence on October 7:

“We expressed at various occasions our readiness and welcomed any international inquiry mission to look into any allegations, contrary to the Israeli side who only spread their unproven lies without having any crucial evidence.

“The New York Times report also purposefully failed to mention the Israeli reports that said the Israeli army committed what can be described as crimes by bombing Israelis and Palestinian fighters and killing many of both.”Bassem Naim, “Response to the New York Times misleading report against the Palestinian resistance on Oct. 7,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, December 31, 2023.

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Hamas statement, December 30, 2023

Dec. 30, 2023

“The American administration’s endorsement of selling high-caliber artillery ammunition to the Zionist occupation entity amid the war of extermination conducted by its terrorist army against civilians in the Gaza Strip, and Secretary Blinken’s affirming the urgent provision of these ammunitions without Congress review, is a clear evidence of the American administration’s full sponsorship of this criminal war.

“The Biden administration conspicuously aligns itself with and actively supports all atrocities perpetrated by the occupation, encompassing the ruthless killing of children and civilians, forced displacement of residents, and the systematic destruction of civilian life in the Gaza Strip.

“We call on all nations across the globe, especially those supported ending the Zionist fascist aggression against the children and defenseless civilians in the United Nations General Assembly, to expose the unjust and criminal policies of the American administration. We implore them to take a resolute stand against these policies and lend their support to our Palestinian people’s pursuit of freedom and self-determination.”“Press Statement,” Hamas Online Telegram Channel, December 30, 2023.


Yahya Sarea, Houthi spokesman, December 29, 2023

Dec. 29, 2023

“8- Sixth: The Armed Forces call on all the peoples of our nation to come out in support of Palestine and to reject the American-Israeli aggression against Gaza and against all peoples and countries that stand with the Palestinian people.” (Tweet)“Yahya Sare’e,” Twitter post, December 29, 2023, 3:54 p.m.,

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Yahya Sarea, Houthi spokesman, December 29, 2023

Dec. 29, 2023

“6-Fifth, the American enemy must take into account the warnings included in Al Sayyed’s - may God protect him - last speech, . as he is a man of action and words, and he is supported by his beloved, free, Jihadist people,” (Tweet)“Yahya Sare’e,” Twitter post, December 29, 2023, 3:54 p.m.,

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Hamas statement, December 27, 2023

Dec. 27, 2023

In response to an IRGC statement that the October 7 Hamas attack was part of a retaliation for the 2020 assassination of IRGC Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani:

“We have repeatedly confirmed the motives and reasons for the operation of the Flood of al-Aqsa, and foremost are the dangers that threaten al-Aqsa Mosque. We also confirm that all acts of Palestinian resistance come in response to the Zionist occupation and its ongoing aggression against our people and our holy sites.”Jerusalem Post staff and Reuters, “October 7 massacre was retaliation for Soleimani killing, Iran says – report,” Jerusalem Post, December 27, 2023,

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Lucas Gage, December 20, 2023

Dec. 20, 2023

“So we all know these Jewish supremacists scumbags, they’re all laughing, ‘We got him. Hahaha. We got him!’ But what they don’t realize is they once again prove me right. They once again show everyone that they control virtually every fucking thing, including the supposed ‘free speech platform.’ Elon Musk said no one would get suspended unless they fucking break the law. Did I break the law? Did I break the law? No, I didn’t break the law. There are Zionists all over the internet—Jews all over the internet saying ‘kill these people, murder these people,’ shoot—literally raze Gaza, you name it.”“Awesome Jew,” Twitter post, December 20, 2023, 7:38 p.m.,

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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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